This week in P1a!

This week in P1a we have been learning about staying safe near electricity.  We made posters to show things that you plug in to the mains and things that use batteries and then we talked about staying safe.  We looked at a special safety website and tried to spot all the things that might be dangerous in the different rooms of the house – here is the link so that you can have a look too.

As well as learning about money in maths we are still practising addition.  We are getting so good that we are now doing mental maths and playing bingo using the whiteboards.  The prize is a dojo point and getting to do the funky chicken!

Wednesday is our day for visiting the school library so we were very excited to finally go and do this.  We need to try hard and remember to bring the books back next Wednesday so that we can choose a different one.

You might have read on last week’s blog that we are learning all about emotions and feeling this term.  Our first team challenge of 2018 was to make posters with faces showing different emotions and here are the results…

P4 Electrical Engineers

This week in P4 we have been learning about Electricity and creating our own circuits.

We found out about James Bowman Lindsay (1799-1862). A Scottish Scientist who was said to be one of the earlier inventors of the incandescent lamp.

Here we are creating our own circuits to light our lamps and trying to match electrical symbols to their names. Did you know that electrical symbols are universal symbols, recognised Worldwide?