Harvest Haul

Today, some pupils from P7A spent some time in the school garden harvesting the vegetables that we have been growing over the summer.

We dug up carrots, radishes, shallots, turnips and A LOT of onions! We were delighted and surprised to find lots of wonky looking veggies, particularly our carrots!

We have been busy weighing, washing and trimming the veggies ready to be shared with the school.

If you would like to take some of our school veggies home to try, please ask Ms Orskov for some this week. You’ll need to be quick, as stocks are limited, so it will be on a first come, first served basis.

All we ask is that you take a picture of yourself creating something yummy with your veggies and send it in to us. You can email it to the school office for the attention of Ms Orskov at wllinlithgow-ps@westlothian.org.uk

Good luck with your recipes! We look forward to seeing pictures of your creations.

Mrs Paton, Ms Orskov and P7A