A busy second morning in P1a!

Despite the rain the boys and girls were delighted to get outside and play with the buddies this morning.  The buddies also helped them to practice lining up smartly – one line for boys and one for girls rather than one big long line.

We were delighted to welcome our music specialist Mrs McWhirter to join us in P1a this morning.  Mrs Mc Whirter knows some of the boys and girls from our nursery class but she was pleased to meet lots of new children too.  We played some singing games and then played some bells and sang a special rain song which has hopefully chased the rain away for the rest of the day! Mrs McWhirter will be teaching us music on Wednesdays this term.

After milk and a story we went for a walk round the school.  After meeting Mrs Robertson and the ladies in the office we popped into the hall and had a quick practice of how we will need to sit for assembly when we go on Friday.  Fortunately because we are P1a we will be sitting in the front row but this means we will also need to sit properly and do good listening as Mrs Robertson and Mr Taylor will be able to see all of us!

Last of all, we said hello to our school cook Mrs Boyd.  She told us that she is looking forward to seeing us all again on Friday for the special P1 lunch and that one of the choices on the menu is pasta bolognaise – delicious!