Category Archives: General Information

Successful first week of October for P7

P7 have been busy this week, as always. We started Monday by completing our Christmas Card designs. We managed a sneaky extra PE session too, so that we could learn more netball – we are really getting there with all the rules and positions. As always on a Monday afternoon, we have our Reading Circles. Please try to ensure your child has read the required pages and completed the activity, otherwise the benefits of the group discussion are missed.

The highlight of our week was definitely a visit from the WL Museum Service to teach us about local geology as part of the work the pupils are doing with Mrs Fraser about rocks and soils. Pupils were able to handle all sorts of interesting rocks and fossils. Some photos are already on Twitter and I will get some posted on here soon.

Jack – This week I have enjoyed PE because last week I missed it so I’ve caught up on the netball rules quite quickly.

Ben M – one of the things that stood out for me at the geology lesson was about the sea flooding Scotland and then everything turning into fossils after dying, when the water dried out too.

Erin – When I was doing Japan school facts I couldn’t get the right fact but I kept trying. That was me using perseverance. In maths I have an aspiration to try and get all my number talks questions right. So I will keep trying and I think I’ve improved on it this week.

Liam – This week I tried to persevere in the netball trials and to try to improve my vocabulary in my writing.

Bobby – I found the manga a bit hard because I couldn’t draw a perfect circle and when I tried drawing the chin, both sides were unequal. I did enjoy it though. I really liked maths because we were teaching each other stuff instead of the teacher just telling us.

October Home Learning – October activities


P3 Weekly Reflection 28.09.18

This week our highlight was sharing in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning as we raised funds for MacMillian Cancer Support.  Thanks to all who gave so generously.

The children participated in some great discussions this week around our Farming topic.  We have been learning how different plants and animals are farmed and about farming through the seasons.  Rhys said he particularly enjoyed watching the video programmes about life on a farm during the summer and autumn.  Next week we will learn about life on the farm through the winter and spring.  Luke N said before the video he didn’t know that chickens lived in “little cages”.  He thinks it is better to have free range chickens so the animals have space to move about.  Luke C enjoyed learning about the different names for pigs; weaners, baconers and porkers.  Emma M was intrigued to find out that deer are killed at only 14 months for their meat.  We learned that deer meat is called venison.  Kaitlyn commented on the fact that deer can grunt, we didn’t expect them to make this noise, we thought it sounded funny.

In problem solving we continued to develop our use of lists by making tables to work out possible scores for a dart game.  Rhys said he enjoyed this activity and was proud of himself as Mrs Clyne praised him for supporting his peers in their learning.  There was a lot of super discussion during this task.

Some of us received our signed books from Elizabeth McKay yesterday which we had been eagerly awaiting.  Olly said he enjoyed writing a letter to New Lanark to thank them for allowing us to attend the Book Festival.  Most of the children enjoyed the Annie McLeod Experience best.  Perhaps some of you will be able to visit New Lanark as a family and learn more about Annie McLeod.

Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Clyne and family are off to explore the National Museum of Rural Life.


P7 are very responsible citizens

As always this has been a very busy week for P7. In writing we have been trying to use high level connectives for our comparison of Japan and Scotland. We have begun to learn the many rules of netball in PE. It is quite different from other sports we love. We had a great time on Wednesday which was European Day of Languages when we had a treat tasting all sorts of European food. The sweet things, meat, currywurst and cheese all went down well, but the poor olives were neglected!

Aside from all the formal learning, I wanted to highlight the many responsibilities that P7 pupils take on. Most of the roles have to be applied for with a written application followed up with an interview or presentation. The skills involved in this are all part of Developing the Young Workforce. For every single position, the staff have been overwhelmed by the professionalism and skill of our young people. Our Junior Road Safety Officers, Reading Champions, House Captains, Sports Captains, Pupil council, Sports Committee have all been successfully through this process.

In addition, P7 have roles as rainy day monitors, corridor monitors, reading buddies, P1 buddies, recycling monitors, lunch trolley movers. All of the jobs have to be done as well as their in-class learning, so they really are developing their time-management skills as well.

However, today a huge amount of praise should go to the many P7 pupils who helped out at our Macmillan Coffee Morning. They all worked tirelessly and politely for the whole morning, mucking in doing whatever needed done. Many staff and visitors have complimented them on their great work. We are all very proud of them. FANTASTIC WORK P7!

This week in P6…

We’ve been continuing to learn about our school values and we completed Mr McCallum-McKay’s challenge of designing posters about them.
Some of us competed in the primary handball league tournament this week.
”It was challenging but we still did well!” – Logan F
”We made sure that we passed the ball to include everybody in our team!” – Ainslie
”We were good at communicating as a team!” – Zoe
”The other teams played really well!” – Hayley B
”I really like going.  It was fun!” – Eesa
”I’m excited to play the other two schools who didn’t make it this time.” – Logan Y
”We are looking forward to the next set of games!” – Finlay, Aiden & Luke
“I enjoyed handball.  I was in goals most of the time.” – Callan
“Handball was really fun even though we lost a lot of games!” – Rowan
On Wednesday we celebrated European Day of Languages. We used some of our French and Spanish and we also started learning German (just for fun!). We practised saying the numbers from 1-20 and then played some number games. Miss Greig told us all about her trip to Paris and she brought us some treats!  In the afternoon we had a food tasting with a selection of foods from France, Germany, Spain, Belgium and Italy. Rowan also brought us in some Indian snacks to try! Sri is going to teach us some Indian and Silvester is going to teach Lithuanian.  We researched European countries and read some dual language books.
“It was interesting trying all the different foods.  I liked the salami.” – Finlay
“I loved the German sausages.  Thank you Germany!” – Charlie
 “I really enjoyed researching the capital cities of Europe.” – Calum
”The whole day was really exciting and fun.  Miss Greig brought lots of sweet treats in!” – Charlie
”I liked the little jam tarts from France.” – Eesa
”I liked the activities we did because they were challenging and fun!  I liked the salami.” – Murray
”I liked doing the research and I tasted new foods.  I didn’t like the olives but I loved the Indian snacks.” – Lewis
“I tried the cheeses from Italy and France.  I liked the Italian one but not the French one!” – Sri
“I loved most of the food but I didn’t like the cheeses.  I loved the German sausage and Miss Marnie’s currywurst sauce!” – Ellie
“I liked the crepes because they were tasty!  I also liked the sausages with the currywurst sauce!” – Jamie
 “Most of the food was good but I didn’t really like the pain au chocolat.  I really liked the sausages!” – Silvester
“I tried almost everything! I quite liked the German sausage and the sugar waffles from Belgium.” – Rowan
“I pretty much tried everything except the French cheese and olives.  I loved the German sausage.  The currywurst sauce was really nice.  I also loved the crepes!” – Callum
“I loved all the food especially the pain au chocolat and the olives!  Lots of people didn’t like them!” – Leon
“The food was delicious! My favourite was the currywurst sauce because I’d never tried it before!” – Hayley D
“I liked making a Spanish poster.  I liked the sausages, meats and crepes the best!” – Cameron
Some of us were chosen to take part in a workshop called ‘Rumble!’ With Limelight Music. We learned some African chants.
 “I enjoyed it because it was really good fun!” – Sri
“It was really fun and I enjoyed the warm up games!” – Katy
“We learned an African song.  Gordon was playing the drums and Cat was teaching us actions to help us to singalong.” – Natalie
“It was good fun and we laughed a lot!” – Cade
“I thought it was really good fun and I can’t wait until next week.” – Leon
“It was good because we did lots of games.” – Hayley D

Short Week but Busy as Ever in P7

Hi everyone,

This week we had our first session of reading circles. There is a lot to remember and to discuss but for a first session most people rose to the challenge. Already many pupils have reflected on how to make things work better the next time. The most important thing though is that everyone has done the expected reading and activity. We will usually do our reading on a Monday but we did it on Wednesday this week because we were so keen to get started.

Word of the Week – this is proving a popular, if challenging way to learn new words. House points are available to anyone trying out the word in a conversation or in their writing. This week the word is ZEALOUS. Previous words are ARCHIPELAGO and QUANDARY.

We have learned some useful phrases in French – j’ai faim, j’ai soif, je suis fatigue, bonsoir, j’ai chaud, j’ai froid

Comments from pupils:

Harry – this week I found updating Didbook really fun because I go to write about what I am good at. What I found hard was the Lepra dance: it was confusing for me.

Matthew – the Lepra dancing/boxing on Thursday morning was fun. Maths yesterday was fun and a challenge. Also I enjoyed handball.

Claudia – I thought the problem solving maths was really fun on Thursday. I didn’t get them all right but it was still fun.

Erin – ERIC time went really well because I am ZEALOUS about reading and when it is quiet it’s best because I can really get into the story.

Brooke – The dancing on Thursday was pretty funny. Also the interview for the house captains was good. Nothing much difficult happened this week because it was a half week. My target is to win the winning house again.

Remember home learning is due in on Thursday 26th September.

P2 this week

 We have been showing compassion through our acts of kindness this week. We have held open doors, shared toys and resources, helped friends when they are hurt and cared for others.

We have learned about our sense of touch and created feely pictures to demonstrate our understanding of the words; hard, soft, rough and smooth.

In numeracy we have added within 20 and furthered our knowledge of 2D shape.

On Thursday we had fun dancing with the instructor from the charity Lepra which we have been fundraising for.

P3 Weekly Reflection 21.09.18

Although this has been a short week we have still done lots of great learning.  We had loads of fun when we joined with P4 to take part in a workout to raise funds for Lepra.  Thank you to all those who made a donation, it is much appreciated.  If you still have money to return please send it in to the school office as soon as possible please.  In P.E. we have been practising our large ball skills with a particular focus on dribbling the ball with both our hands and feet.  Mrs Clyne was very impressed with how well we managed to keep the ball under control.

In Maths, we used base 10 materials to explore place value of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.  We are becoming more confident to identify the value of a digit within these numbers.  Perhaps you could test us when we spot numbers in the local environment?

In reading we have been learning about fact and opinion and while Mrs Clyne led the guided reading sessions we were asked to make up our own facts and opinions about Scotland.  Anna told us that Scotland is a country;  Emma M said that Scotland is at the top of the U.K. and Kaitlyn reminded us that Edinburgh is the capital city of Scotland.  Most of us thought that Scotland was a cold and wet country.

During our food and farming learning this week we had an interesting discussion about the source of our food.  We worked in groups to sort foods into those which came from plants and those which came from animals.  We were a little bit confused about chocolate and had a good debate.  Kalista told us that chocolate is made from cocoa beans which come from trees but Kayden and Jarrad said that chocolate has milk in it which comes from a cow.  We decided that it would go in the middle as it came from both sources.

Have a good weekend and enjoy chatting with the children about their learning.

P2 refllection

P2 Learning Reflection

In literacy we have been busy learning the ‘ea’ sound. We completed a word building and writing activity. When reading at home, see how many ‘ea’ words the children can find in their reading book! We have also been spotting nouns in stories.

In numeracy we began counting and sequencing numbers to 50 and the children are becoming more confident in using their number squares to help them. Everyone now has their Sumdog logins which are stuck inside our reading records.

In RME we have been thinking about the theme of friendship. We enjoyed reading the story of ‘Starry Eyed Stan’. We discussed the qualities of a good friend and how we can be kind to others.

In Science, we started learning about our five senses. We began by exploring our sense of sight, investigating the different parts of the eye and how our eyes work.

P3 Weekly Reflection 14.09.18

On Wednesday we went to the Book Festival at New Lanark.  Luke N told us that he particularly enjoyed listening to Elizabath MacKay reading her book Wee Granny’s Magic Bag and the Pirates.  Most of the children enjoyed the Annie MacLeod Experience where we learned about life in the past and most of us did not think children had a good life in those days.  Emma M told us that she thought it was a dangerous and unhealthy thing to do climbing under the machines like Annie did.  Sadly the weather was not very nice during our visit but William said he enjoyed running in the rain!

In Maths we have been using our addition and subtraction to complete magic squares.  Mrs Clyne challenged us to make our own magic squares but most of us found this quite tricky.  Perhaps you could practise some at home?

Yesterday, Mrs Hill came to talk to us about life on her cattle farm.  Her husband has about 100 cows which he farms for beef.  His cows will eventually end up in the supermarkets for us to buy.  Mrs Hill spoke about the different types of machines and the jobs they do.  Jarrad told us that he liked learning about the combine harvester.  Lots of the children asked excellent questions and we learned lots.  One interesting fact is that the cows will eat approximately 1000 bales of silage over the winter months.  During the winter the cows are moved inside to the barn and Mr Hill’s friend sends his sheep to stay because it is too cold up on his farm further north. Kayden and Freya reminded us that having the sheep to stay was a good thing because they eat the grass right down which helps it to grow well again the following year.

Today in assembly Mrs Mill was talking about compassion.  We learned to look out for those around us and help people when they are feeling sad or needing help.  Emma M explained that if we do a small act of kindness for one person, they feel good and will then feel like doing something kind for someone else and the kindness spreads.  Let’s see if we can spread some acts of kindness, I wonder how many acts of kindness Mrs Clyne will see over the next week?

Please remember the children are off on Monday and Tuesday next week.  I hope you all have a lovely holiday weekend and look forward to hearing all the children’s news on Wednesday.