All posts by Mrs Fraser

P6 Reflection of the Week

This week Primary 6 have been learning about World War 2. We have been writing a piece of work about the Impact World War 2 had on Scotland. We used a website called for our research. We wrote our research on a plan sheet before we wrote it in our jotters. Some people have started to type their piece of work on a laptop. In Maths we have been learning about perimeter. Most of us have been doing common shapes like squares and rectangles but for a challenge some people have been doing irregular shapes like shapes that look like stairs. For science we have been learning about Micro-organisms. For some fun, we made bread with Mr Keast and got to eat it later. Most people liked it but others didn’t. At assembly we celebrated because Miss Marnie is getting married during the October holidays. When she comes back she’ll be known as Mrs Brodie. We have also been learning about the new school rules. They are Ready, Respectful and Safe. In PE we have been playing handball. We did a few drills before moving into matches. We played 2 minute games. We continued our blitz art and most of us are finished now. Mrs Fraser has been reading a book called Welcome to Nowhere. It is set in Syria. it is about  boy called Omar who is trying to save his cousin’s postcard business.

By Noel and Ben

P6 this week

This week in P6 we have created WW2 art with Mrs. Fraser, we all got a little messy but it was fun. In P.E we did team dodge ball with Mrs. Smith and handball games as well, we did passing and moving games with handballs with Mrs. Fraser on Thursday. This week is Scottish maths Week and we did a game called join and cut with Mrs. Smith and with Mrs. Fraser, we did perimeter. We have been doing a piece of writing about rescue services- we had to do our first draft and a second draft. We had to have three main paragraphs about characteristics as well as an introduction and conclusion. On Friday we did some art and free writing and did an online bullying poster in our jotters.

By Katie and Georgie

P6 This Week- 13.9.19

This week P6 have has had fun learning about world war 2. We did drama about the Jarrow march- we had lots of fun doing  it. In maths we have been doing chimney sums and a game called cash register- its a lot of fun!!!. We have got are reading done and are group names called The smarties, the rock stars, the big chungests and the book cubs.We are also reading Friend or foe by Michel Morpurgo with Mrs Smith. We enjoyed watching Connie Huq on Authors Live on Thursday.In P.E we have been doing skipping, sprints, hurrdles, burpies bounces.

Katie and Georgie

P6 This Week 6.9.19

This week Primary 6 have been learning a lot of different subjects. In Numeracy we have been learning about Place Values and Subtraction. We have also been learning about World War II. We have been reading Friend or Foe with Mrs Smith. We have been learning about The Great Depression with Mrs Fraser as well and before the end of the day we done some Drama. In PE we have been doing Fitness and Handball. IN Science with Mr Keast we’ve been learning about sorting different Organisms. For example; a dog goes in the mammal section of Organisms. We’ve been writing about The Mammoth in the Ice, which is a fiction story we made up.

by Noel

P6 Reflection of our First Week

We have enjoyed seeing our friends again. Our classroom is freshly decorated and we are looking forward to working in it. We are looking forward to being buddies to the ELC children.  We are looking forward to learning and improving ourselves. We are excited about the school show and camp.

This week we have set ourselves goals and created our class charter.

P2 This Week (17.6.19)

We enjoyed taking part in Fitness Fortnight this week. Zach really enjoyed the football, Sophia enjoyed Judo and Bootcamp and Holly liked running around the field- she is going to try and do better next week when we do our Fun Run. Everyone had fun taking part in Sports Day. Yesterday, Mrs Brown led the school in exercise to music, which was great fun. We liked wearing our own clothes to school for a change. Maddie really liked designing a disgusting sandwich to scare away the seagulls- just like Mrs Grinling in the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch! We also watched the Lunch Bunch which was fun learning too!





P2 This Week-7/6/19

We enjoyed performing at the assembly. We liked doing the mini beasts song and the butterfly song. We worked hard to learn our speaking parts. At first we were  a little bit nervous, but then it was okay. Everyone like what they were doing. In writing we finished our storyboards about Mr Grinling. We learned about Grace Darling and how she saved nine people during a stormy night and looked after them in her lighthouse. We watched the lunch-bunch and learned about healthy eating. We have been learning about asking questions using question words and question marks. We continued to learn about division. We also made graphs and asked questions of each other about the information on the graph.

P2 This Week- 31.5.19

We write a cartoon storyboard about the Lighthouse Keeper’s week. We have been practising our Mini-beast assembly. We have shown what we know about halves and quarters and enjoyed working with a partner to find halves and quarters of numbers. Holly enjoyed improving her tennis skills in P.E. We practised how to serve the ball. We all loved the singing games that we did with Mrs Curle from the National Youth Choir. It was great to have so many visitors to our Reading PATPAL. We enjoyed sharing our learning.

P2 This week 17.5.19

In numeracy the children have been developing their knowledge of multiplication and using their knowledge of doubles to help them learn the 2X table.

They have also been learning about halving and quartering.

In Literacy, the children have been learning to spell words with consonant blends and developing their comprehension skills.

As part of our topic ‘The Lighthouse keeper’s Lunch’, we have been comparing the seashore with our local environment and finding out about the importance of lighthouses.

We learned to weave paper to make picnic baskets like Mr Grinling’s.

We took advantage of the good weather and enjoyed having our ERIC time in the school garden again!

We took part in an Author’s Live session with author and illustrator- Emily Mackenzie.

As part of our Science work, we ventured outside on a mini beast hunt and we are all looking forward to our class trip to Amazonia on Tuesday.

We worked with Mrs Curle from NYCO on singing games. It helped us improve our skills in listening and following instructions too!

We’ve all had a great week.