All posts by Miss Whigham

Welcome to P2

It’s been a lovely start to the new school year and P2 have settled in very well to their new class. This week we have been establishing classroom routines and the children can now order their lunches independently! We began our Road Safety topic by discussing and drawing pictures of safe places to play. Next week we will explore safe places to cross the road and begin learning the Green Cross Code. In numeracy we revised number sequences to 20 and played some fun interactive maths games to help us work out the number before and after. We also enjoyed our welcome back assembly led by Mrs Mill where we discussed our school values.

Primary 2 Museums Handling Visit

Primary 2 enjoyed a super workshop from West Lothian Council Museums. We were transported back in time to a hundred years ago to find out how people lived in the past. Here are a few of the children’s reflections on their learning:

Jarrad: I enjoyed looking at the old photos.

Finn: It was loud when Mrs Liddell sounded the old fashioned car horn.

Anna: Children were not allowed to play on a Sunday.

Lakshya: I liked dressing up like children from 100 years ago.

Darcy: Lots of toys were made from wood and metal.

Emma F: A hot water bottle was called a piggy.