In Literacy we learned how to spell words with consonant blends. In writing we wrote descriptions of Mr. Grinling, the lighthouse keeper from the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. We also completed a sequencing activity re-telling the story. The children enjoyed writing comic strips about ‘Oor Wullie’ and these will now be stuck on our life size ‘Oor Wullie’, which will be part of the bucket trail this summer! The children also enjoyed having ERIC time outside in the school garden.
In Maths we have been learning to round numbers to the nearest ten and developing our knowledge of multiplication. The children have also been learning about symmetry and had fun creating colourful symmetrical butterflies.
In Science we began learning about mini beasts. As part of our outdoor learning this term, the children will be venturing outside to take part in a special mini beast hunt!
In PE we played a fun team game and also practised our tennis skills.
Have a lovely holiday weekend!