Another busy but quick week in P1. We started our enterprise for the Christmas fair. In Literacy we have learned the sounds sh and r. We made words with these sounds and learned how to write the sound r. We learned the tricky word so. In writing, we used our sounds to help us write a sentence about our buddies. Some of us wrote about our P7 buddy and some of us wrote about our P4 reading buddy. In Numeracy we have been continuing to learn our number bonds to 10. We are getting really good at recalling these facts. In health we listened to the story “The Dot” then we painted our own dot pictures and we made dots with our picture on one side and why we are special on the other side. In Science, we were learning about things that move and discussed what would be dangerous to stop. We have also been working hard with P1 and P2 on our nativity. We got given our parts and have been practising really hard.
Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
Euan: “I found it tricky learning the sound r.”
Ziva:” I enjoyed learning our letters this week.”
Isaac: “I found it tricky writing the letter r.”
Leighton: ” I enjoyed learning my number bonds to 10.”
Sam:”I enjoyed learning the sound sh.”
Emma:”I enjoyed making our Christmas enterprise.”
Murdo: ” I found learning the sound sh tricky.”