P2-1 Weekly Reflection 29.04.22

We’ve had another busy week and are looking forward to the long weekend, please remember school is closed to all children on Monday. We are also closed to school children on Thursday as staff have an in-service day.

This week P2 have begun the Read Write Inc (RWI) Spelling Pre-Programme in preparation for beginning RWI Spelling Programme in Primary 3. This week we have focused on singular and plural and consonants and vowels. We have also learned that there are 26 letters in the alphabet and 44 speech sounds in the English language. We all enjoyed singing along to this song. Primary 1 have continued to learn their set 3 sounds and are becoming much more confident with blending these sounds together to build words.

In Writing we wrote about what makes us happy and Mrs Clyne was impressed with how well we were able to self-evaluate our work and identify our next steps.

In Maths we have completed our length and height topic and have begun to investigate mass. We have been measuring the mass of different items and then comparing the mass of objects using ‘lighter’ and ‘heavier’. We have also been practising our number word sequences to 50 and enjoyed singing along to this song.

In PE this week we have been developing our fitness through mini-fitness stations and running laps of the school field.

Miss Whigham set us a challenge to build a bridge from lego. Some of the children worked co-operatively and with a very focused approach constructed a strong and stable bridge, unfortunately we missed the opportunity for a photo before someone kindly tidied away the lego!

In our Health and Wellbeing lesson we had a super discussion about People Who Help and Look After Us. We talked about all the different people who care for us and all the specific things they do to show they care for us. We remembered our Trusted Adults that we have in school for times when we are feeling worried and we linked our learning to Children’s Rights as it is our right to be cared for.

Have a lovely holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing the children back on Tuesday 3rd May.

Theo “We had fun watching the video about the Magic Key.”

Poppy “We were measuring weight and we were learning about what’s heavier or lighter.” I enjoyed using the measurement toys.”

Dexter ” I enjoyed doing the bridges contest because it was fun.”

Minny “I had fun when we had the measurement toys out.”

Kade “We learned that singular means one and plural means more than one. Me and Theo were building a Jurassic world out of lego.”

Cooper “I enjoyed helping build the Jurassic world monorail. The monorail is like a train but not a normal rail. It goes on tracks which are inside water.”

Ethan “I liked building the monorail with Cooper.”