P3 Weekly learning w.c. 27.04.2020

Good morning Primary 3,

Bonjour ma classe.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Here is the learning grid for this week. Could you please read the letter from me on the grid. Thank you.

P3 Home learning – Summer term Week 2

For our maths today we will be looking at the equivalence of one half and two quarters. Here is the link to the worksheet and the answer sheet:


Y2-Spring-Block-4-ANS10-Equivalence-of-half-and-two-quarters-2019 – Answers.

Also as an extra maths activity today if you have time, RBS money sense are doing an online lesson on Facebook at 11:30 – 12, all about money – notes and coins. The link is:


It would be great to do, to revise recognition of money for Primary 3. I have also found a good tip for this is to have a price list for snacks for your child to use daily, using real coins to pay for them. I have been doing this with my own child and it has really helped with his coin recognition.

Please find links to activities below:

pdf – Neil Armstrong comprehension link.


Other activities:

Those who made a paper aeroplane last week, or would like to make one this week. I have a page for you to complete with your findings:


Here is also some isolation outdoor activites:

10 nature activities self isolation (1)

Stay safe and I look forward to seeing what you have all been up to.

Mrs Love