P2/1 Home Learning Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 24th April 2020

Good afternoon Primary 2/1. This is a strange weekly learning reflection for Miss Maclachlan to be writing as normally you would be with me and helping me to write it with your thoughts on your learning. I hope you have enjoyed your learning grids this week. I love seeing the photos that parents have been sending me along with your thoughts on your home learning. It’s good to see a variety of learning taking place. I am looking forward to receiving more emails so that I can continue to share in your learning.

P1’s Literacy learning has been focussed around the ‘ur’ sound and the tricky word ‘too’. In Numeracy and Maths the focus for this week was money and recognising all the coins up to and including £2. They could make their own shop and practice giving change from 10p. I have seen some fab photos of shops being created.

P2’s focus in Literacy this week has been on the ‘ee’ spelling pattern, correcting punctuation in sentences by putting in capital letters and full stops and choosing their favourite book to read and then draw and write about their favourite part of the book. In Numeracy and Maths the focus this week was on fractions and finding halves and quarters of shapes.

This term for our topic we are going to explore Under the Sea. I am excited for this topic and am looking forward to sharing in your learning. Thank you for the application forms received already for the role of marine biologist.

This week we have also been exploring Minibeasts. Some of us have been getting creative

“Making the centipede for my minibeasts task was my favourite thing.”

Have a lovely weekend and here are a few photos of the learning that has been taking place.

P1 Learning

P2 Learning