P1 Weekly Reflection 28.02.2020

Hi folks,

Apologies for not posting in a few weeks, it’s been a very busy time!

The children have been revising their set two sounds ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, ar or, air, ir, ou, oy and the tricky words are, we, to, like, want, what, they, be, she, go, old, her, do, does.  This week we have moved on to set 3 sounds and have focused on oi and ea and tricky words  any and many.  The children are making good progress with their phonics and we thank you for your support at home!

In Numeracy we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and 20 and have been looking at adding and subtracting within 20.  We have also been talking about the number after and the number before.  We have learned how to tell o’clock times and half past times on analogue and digitial clocks and we are developing our understanding of the order of the days of the week and months of the year.  This week we learned about odd and even numbers.  Perhaps you can practise looking for some odd and even numbers at home or when you are out and about!

In our Science work we have learning about the parts of a plant.  We enjoy our lessons with Miss Whigham.

In PE we continued with our gymnastics and this week practising bunny hopping.  Mrs Clyne will continue with gymnastics and Mrs Smith will continue to do some team building activities.

Today we watched P2s assembly on Superheroes and learned that it doesn’t take a cape and a mask to be a hero.  Everyday heroes can be seen around our school on a daily basis.  If we follow the school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe we will all be heroes.

Here’s some of the children’s comments about their week:

Sophie “I enjoyed learning our tricky words any and many.”

Penelope “I enjoyed learning our sounds oi and ea.”

Georgie “I liked learning our new sound.  It was the same ‘oy’ sound but it was spelt ‘oi’.”

Emelia “I liked at the assembly when they sung the songs.”

Elloise “I enjoyed the assembly and I liked the songs they sung.”

Zac “I liked playing with the bricks.  I was building a speedboat.”

Cole “I have liked learning about boats. We made some pictures of boats.”

Have a lovely weekend.