Quickest Week Ever for P4!

Lots of maths again this week. We are working on division using an exchange, partitioning, or whole-part models.

We have recapped on the information we learned about  Victorian Life from Mrs Liddel’s visit last week. We have focussed on school life in class.

We have completed a second draft of our Procedure writing, making lots of improvements.

O – I enjoyed the maths yesterday. I enjoyed how it was challenging. It was division.

L – I enjoyed the assembly to see how other people’s worries go away when you say them out loud.

H – I enjoyed when we drew a worry bag yesterday. It helped to get the worries out of your head.

L – I enjoyed the bake sale today.

F – I liked learning about Victorian Schools because I didn’t know about it before. It was interesting about the dunce hat.

L – I liked the writing we did about making a recipe for shortbread.

J – I liked the bake sale.