Exciting week in P4

We did lots of different things this week. We have begun to put our profiles on Didbook. We had the computers to do some research on Italy for our Scotland Loves Languages Week.  We have had a good think about what we want to know about the Victorians. Lots more multiplication and division in maths, focussing on column multiplication.

L – I liked the bit when we needed to write about what we know or want to know about the Victorians.

E – I enjoyed going on Didbook

J – I liked maths where we were doing it on the whiteboards and we all had to show the answers at the same time.

R – I liked when we did the posters and found out about Italy and did research.

A – I liked doing my profile on Didbook when I wrote my favourite superhero. It was fun.

S – I enjoyed to go on Didbook and fill in my details.

O – I liked when we did the research on Italy. In our group we found out that the volcano Vesuvius was over 300000 years old.

E – I liked the assembly today because I got a certificate for pupil of the week. I feel quite proud.

Please return EE2 and money for the badminton festival as soon as possible.