Another busy week in P2/1. In Literacy P1 have practiced the qu sound and learned the x sound and the tricky word put. We practised our letter formation, taught ted and wrote words that began with qu and coloured pictures that had x in them. P2 learned the ‘ew’ and ‘ire’ sounds. They searched for these words in a word search, played roll and read and made words on the magnetic boards. In Maths this week P1 explored tally charts and tally marks. We surveyed the class on their favourite song from nativity and created a tally chart. P2 have been exploring pictograms and bar charts. We created a pictogram of our favourite hair colour and created a bar chart on our favourite book from book week. In Science we have been learning about day time and night time animals. In music with Dave we started to put music to a Christmas story. In P.E we practiced dribbling the ball with our hands and played a game of prisoner dodgeball. As part of book week Scotland we have explored the story Monkey Puzzle. We created a door display, wrote a letter to mummy monkey asking her not to leave again, created missing monkey posters and re-enacted the story through drama. We had our Star of the Week circle time. Ayden is our star of the week. We continued to practise for our nativity and had our first go in the hall. We are starting to practice our lines and acting. On Friday we went to the JRSO’s assembly. It was all about the Green Cross code and road safety. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
Gabriel: “I enjoyed making a missing monkey poster.”
Olly: “I enjoyed learning the sound qu and x.”
Murdo: “I learned from the assembly how to stop look listen and think.”
Christian: “I enjoyed assembly. I learned how to keep safe by the road. I enjoyed seeing everyone’s Anti-bullying pictures.”
Hiba: “I enjoyed creating my missing monkey poster.”
Lucas: “I enjoyed learning about road safety at assembly.”
Ch: “I enjoyed creating a missing monkey poster.”
Lucia: “I liked learning qu.”