Another busy week in P2/1. In Literacy P1 have learned the ‘r’, ‘j’ and ‘v’ sounds and the tricky word no. We made a rainbow, a jelly fish, practised our letter formation, taught ted and coloured pictures beginning with ‘v’. P2 revised the ‘ir’ and ‘ur’ sounds. They searched for these words in a word search, played roll and read, looked for the ur sound in a story and coloured in real and non-sense words. In Maths we continued to explore 2D and 3D shapes. We went on a shape walk, sorted 2D and 3D shapes, made shape biscuits and made 3D shapes with toothpicks and playdough. In Science we were looking at seasons. P1 matched pictures to the correct season and P2 matched the seasons with pictures and sorted the months into the correct season. In P.E we did a Halloween yoga and team games. We spoke about what we would like to learn about for our interdisciplinary topic. We also started Star of the Week circle time. Lucas is our star of the week. On Friday we went to Primary 7’s assembly which was all about Guy Fawkes. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
Olly: “I found it tricky trying to write without my fish grip for my pencil.”
H: “I enjoyed Primary 7’s assembly on Guy Fawkes.”
Gabriel: “I enjoyed Primary 7’s assembly when they were acting out their drama.”
Teria: “I enjoyed everything.”
Ayden: “I enjoyed listening to Primary 7 speak about Guy Fawkes.”
Christian: “I enjoyed assembly. I enjoyed singing the song.”
Murdo: “I enjoyed the whole of Primary 7’s assembly.”
Lucas: “I loved learning the letter v and j.”