This week in P6…

Some people went to a dance festival this week..

“I liked going to the dance festival because we got to dance and it was loads of fun!” – Natalie

“I really enjoyed dancing at the dance festival!” – Sri

We did division this week..

“I enjoyed dividing big numbers, like 98632.” – Hayley D

“I enjoyed learning division and it is easy now!” – Logan Y

“Division was hard but now it is easy.” – Finlay

“I liked division, it was pretty hard but I got there in the end!” – Ellie

“I learned how to divide easily.” – Cade

Miss Greig is leaving us on Monday.. 🙁

“It’s really sad that Miss Greig is leaving us.” – Rowan

“I enjoyed giving things to Miss Greig!” – Lewis

“I feel sad about Miss Greig leaving and I really want her to stay.” – Luke

“I want Miss Greig to stay and not leave because I like her teaching us.” – Murray

“I had fun giving Miss Greig her present, and I am sad about her leaving P6 and going to P1.” – Katy

We did basketball this week..

“Basketball was fun because we got to play games and we did drills!” – Cameron

“I really enjoyed basketball because I got to teach drills and referee the games!” – Zoe

“I enjoyed P.E this week because we did drills in basketball and games and I got to play with my friends!” – Hayley B

We did show rehearsals this week for our school show

“I enjoyed the show rehearsals because we got to sing songs.” – Callan

“I enjoyed the Rock Bottom song rehearsal.” – Leon