This week in Primary 6…

This week, Calum was our Blog Master. 

It has been another busy week in P6.

This week we were doing badminton.

“I enjoyed when we did the games.”-Zoe “I liked the rallies because you were able to do every job.”-Cameron

“I liked doing rallies in badminton.”-Callan

“I liked that we got to play the same people.”-Ainslie

This week we were learning about World War II.

“I enjoyed learning about rationing.”-Calum

“I enjoyed learning about rationing because I enjoyed learning about the different types of food that were rationed.”-Luke

This week we did some art based on our class novel, Holes.

“I liked doing art because it was fun.”-Logan F

“I enjoyed doing the art.”-Haley D

“I liked doing the lizards.”-Lewis

“I enjoyed doing the painting because we got to have fun with the paint to make the door for Book Week Scotland.”-Charlie

“I enjoyed doing my lizard.”-Natalie

“It was fun because we got to use lots of paint”.-Eesa

This week at Rumble…

“I enjoyed playing the drums.”-Cade.

“I enjoyed playing the drums.”-Finlay

“This week it was definitely my favorite one.”-Leon

This week we had some people doing Fresh Start.

“I wrote a letter to Mr Turner.” – Charlie