Another busy week in P1. We have been working hard during our phonics lessons with Miss Fraser. We learned two new sounds l and h. We also learned the tricky word you. We made words with these sounds, taught ted how to write them, made a lamb and a horse. In numeracy we have been learning about number bonds. We have been focusing on adding numbers together that make 10. Can you remember any pairs of numbers that make 10? We have also been outdoors twice this week. On Tuesday we went for a lovely autumn walk to the church and around the local area. We looked at the beautiful poppy tree for remembrance Sunday. We were lucky enough to get to go in the church and see the beautiful display of poppies in there. Photos to follow on twitter. We created rubbings of leaves once back in class. Primary 1 and primary 2 have also been practising for our nativity. In Science we were learning about push and pull forces. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
Ayden: “I enjoyed learning my number bonds to 10.”
Ziva: “I found it tricky writing l and h.”
Leighton: “I enjoyed learning how to say the sound l.”
Isaac: “I found writing the letter h tricky.”
Ch: I enjoyed our walk to the church and learning about what the poppy is for. They are for remembering the people who died during the wars.”
Lois: “I found writing the h tricky.”
Euan: “I found our two sounds this week tricky.”