Hi everyone,
This week we had our first session of reading circles. There is a lot to remember and to discuss but for a first session most people rose to the challenge. Already many pupils have reflected on how to make things work better the next time. The most important thing though is that everyone has done the expected reading and activity. We will usually do our reading on a Monday but we did it on Wednesday this week because we were so keen to get started.
Word of the Week – this is proving a popular, if challenging way to learn new words. House points are available to anyone trying out the word in a conversation or in their writing. This week the word is ZEALOUS. Previous words are ARCHIPELAGO and QUANDARY.
We have learned some useful phrases in French – j’ai faim, j’ai soif, je suis fatigue, bonsoir, j’ai chaud, j’ai froid
Comments from pupils:
Harry – this week I found updating Didbook really fun because I go to write about what I am good at. What I found hard was the Lepra dance: it was confusing for me.
Matthew – the Lepra dancing/boxing on Thursday morning was fun. Maths yesterday was fun and a challenge. Also I enjoyed handball.
Claudia – I thought the problem solving maths was really fun on Thursday. I didn’t get them all right but it was still fun.
Erin – ERIC time went really well because I am ZEALOUS about reading and when it is quiet it’s best because I can really get into the story.
Brooke – The dancing on Thursday was pretty funny. Also the interview for the house captains was good. Nothing much difficult happened this week because it was a half week. My target is to win the winning house again.
Remember home learning is due in on Thursday 26th September.