P1 have been learning to word build using mats and hoops. We also had a go at turtle talk and Fred talk which involves us sliding sounds together to blend words. In Numeracy we were learning about number 10. We used the rekenreks to find the different patterns of 10. In RME we spoke about the four seasons and went on a walk to find signs of Autumn. We also got together with P1 and Ms King to sing some Fischy music songs. On Thursday we took part in our Lepra fitness session. It was great fun. We enjoyed learning about equality during our assembly. Here are some of the children’s reflections:
Charley: “I found learning the p sound tricky.”
Coben: “I found counting to 10 tricky.”
Leighton: “I enjoyed playing Sumdog to help me learn about numbers.”
Isaac: “I found it tricky writing the sounds n and p.”
Murdo: “I found it tricky playing some of the games on Sumdog.”
Sevinc: “I found it tricky playing Street Cars on Sumdog. I enjoyed playing the cake game.”
Rory: “I think playing Sumdog is easy.”