In P1 this week we learned 2 new sounds, d and t. We learned the tricky word the. In writing, we wrote about when we felt loved. On Wednesday we had two visitors Mrs Aitken and Mrs Garcia. They came to help us with our Colourful Consonants and Vowel House learning and will be visiting us on a Wednesday morning for a few weeks. In numeracy we continued exploring numbers and learned all about the numbers 6 and 7. In P.E, we played team games and on Tuesday we did yoga with Ms King’s class. For drama we explored the story of the Three Little Pigs and acted out building a house. On Friday we had a visitor in assembly who spoke to us about the work of the Charity Lepra. Here are the children’s thoughts on the week:
Charley: I enjoyed the assembly all about Leprosy
Euan: I liked singing the songs
Leighton: I enjoyed exploring number 6 and 7
Sam: I enjoyed Golden Time
Ayden: I have found forming number 3 tricky
Lois: I liked learning our new sounds d and t
Ziva: I enjoyed Golden Time
Isaac: I found it tricky learning d and t
Rory: I liked exploring the numbers 6 and 7. I could find different ways of making each number.
Sevinc: I liked writing the letters and numbers. I also enjoyed the assembly.
Leo: I liked golden time
Coben: I found exploring the numbers tricky
Murdo: I enjoyed hearing about Leprosy at assembly
Emma: I found writing very tricky.