This week we have been very busy. In literacy we have been learning the sounds m, a and s. We have been learning how to say and write these sounds. We also did some writing. We wrote about a time when we felt happy. In numeracy we have been exploring the numbers 5, 4 and 3. We can count and write these numbers. In P.E we have been playing games and we did yoga with Ms King’s class. We took on roles of different animals and acted out the story Rumble in the Jungle. We have also been learning about road safety.
Here are the children’s reflections:
Charley: I found writing m and a tricky
Lois: I enjoyed writing my sounds
Leighton: I have enjoyed learning how to write s. I like everything.
Isaac: I enjoyed writing about when I feel happy.
Ziva: I enjoyed colouring in my pictures for story of 3.
Euan: I enjoyed learning the ‘m’ sound.
Sam: I liked learning about road safety and making my 2D vehicle.
Emma: I like everything about school
Sevinc: I found it tricky learning the words I and me
Coben: I enjoyed Rumble in the Jungle.
Rory: I liked using the play dough to make the letters and numbers
Leo: I like when it’s Friday and we get golden time.
Ayden: I found writing 3s tricky.
Murdo: I enjoyed wearing my costume on dress down day.