Amazing Hard Work in P2A

Well done for all your hard work again this week. You are all putting so much effort into your learning and I am so impressed. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting your child at home too. This is really appreciated.


We have been working so hard this week in Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing and also on our remote learning grid activities. Our new sound this week was magic e with an everyone worked hard to practise reading and writing their words. In Writing, we wrote an introduction to an imaginative story and I was proud of everyone’s efforts with this. Our remote learning grid this week focused on a “Scotland” theme for “Scottish Week.” Here are some excellent examples of learning below.


Alex worked hard to practise spelling magic e words with his Lego. Well done for working so hard. I am very impressed with your amazing work with the Lego bricks:)


Everyone has worked so hard on writing an introduction to a story this week. Well done everyone:) This is Isabella’s introduction. She used capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. You also may spot a connective in her sentences. Fantastic work Isabella:)


Max worked really hard to divide by 3 this week and he applied his learning really well to pencil tasks. Well done for working so hard on this Max:)


Jasmine worked so hard to sequence these numbers in order from smallest to largest. Well done for you hard work Jasmine:) You sequenced all the numbers in the correct order.

This is just a small selection of some of your fantastic learning this week. Keep up your hard work and have a lovely weekend:)

This week in P4

This week in P4 we have been learning a lot! In Literacy we have worked on Spelling, writing imaginary stories, working on questioning through reciprocal reading and creating ideas for a new story through Author’s Live. In Maths, we have been focusing on the properties of 2D and 3D shape, tiling and symmetry. We have focused on safety in our health tasks this week and we have begun learning about our new topic of The Celts. We have started our research on this and it is exciting what we are finding out!

Our daily live calls have been great and we even took part in a scavenger hunt for household items!

We are looking forward to what next week brings in the classroom and through remote learning! I am so proud of all of you!

P2A Remote Learning

You have been working so hard on your learning at home Primary 2A! I have been so impressed with your hard work on Seesaw and in class this week. In Literacy, we have been learning to read and write soft g words. You all worked so hard to write a fantastic description of a family member this week. I saw lots of brilliant connectives which was our Success Criteria challenge. Next week we are going to begin writing an imaginative story.

In Numeracy we have been learning to make equal groups. You all know this means you were dividing and this week, we have been learning to divide by 2. You used concrete materials at home to practise sharing equally and I was impressed with how hard you all worked on this task. We have also continued with our number talks too.

I am glad so many of you asked for more French target tasks and you all put in so much effort to your French learning this week. I have loved seeing everyone being so creative in your learning. Here are some examples of your amazing work on Seesaw.

Alex worked really hard to build a house for the Three Little Pigs. This was Mrs Beattie’s STEM challenge this week. Super effort Alex!


Isla used her nail varnish collection to spell soft g words. I love her creativity and she has a very impresive collection. Super spelling Isla:)


Harry read this book himself at home this week. I am very proud that you were practising your reading Harry and choosing to read a book for enjoyment:)

Jaysiel worked hard to sequence numbers from smallest to largest in Numeracy. This was a great challenge and you could order all the numbers in the correct order. Well done:)


Have a great weekend everyone:)

Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.

P3 Remote Learning

WOW P3!  You have had an amazing week! We have been so impressed by all your fantastic learning.

  • We have been learning a poem in Scots.
  • Using Scots words..and French words!.. to describe the weather.
  • Learning how to use speech marks.
  • Using arrays to work out multiplication problems.
  • Looking at non- fiction texts about polar bears.
  • Designing super inventions for Mrs Beattie’s Invention Challenge.
  • Creating our own tartan.
  • Taking part in Mr Millar’s Active Challenge.
  • ..and not forgetting sledging, building snowmen and having fun outdoors!

Thank you to your families for supporting you in your learning.

We really hope you have all enjoyed the activities. Remember you can give us some feedback too!  Let us know which ones you liked best.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Reid P3A      Mrs Robertson P3B          (your very proud teachers!)

Primary 2A Phonics

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. This week in Primary 2, we are learning the ee and ea sounds. Please see the list below and support your child to read and write these words at home.

Spelling Words ee and ea


Thank you for your continued support with this. Please remember to check Seesaw for your child’s homework grid for the next two weeks. More blog posts to follow now that we have our ipad fixed and we can now upload pictures. Keep checking our blog for regular updates on our learning.

Thank you.

Miss Marra

P2A Phonics

Good afternoon everyone,


I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another great week. Please see this week’s Spelling words below for each group. This week, the children are learning the “oi” and “oy” sounds. Some pupils are also practising CVC words. Please support your child to read and write these words at home. The “Create an Activity” task on the homework grid provides opportunities for the children to use a strategy of their choice to practise their words e.g. painting, writing in felt pen, writing in chalk outside, going on a word hunt around the house etc.

Spelling Words oi and oy

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Marra

Primary 2 Phonics

Dear parents/carers,

We are so proud of all the children for working so hard this term and settling back into school so well. They are a pleasure to have in our classes. Earlier in the week, we added Phonics words lists to show wh and qu words which the children have been learning this week. Here are the other sounds your child has learned in class with the word lists included for each group. So far, we have learned sh, th, ch, wh and qu. When possible, please support your child to read and write these words. More photographs of learning to follow after or October break.

Spelling Words sh

Spelling Words th

Spelling Words ch

Spelling Words wh


Below are some examples of different ways to practise reading and writing these sounds at home.

  • Word detectives – try to find as many words as you can from your list in books. Write down any words you find.
  • Rainbow write – use three colours to practise writing your words on paper. Try to write over your word three times to create rainbow words.
  • Bubble words – Write your words in bubble writing and colour them.
  • Word hunt – write your words on small pieces of paper and ask an adult to hide them around the house. Try to find your words and read them aloud when you find them.
  • Sugar words – pour sugar on to a plate and use a straw to practise writing your words in the sugar.
  • Anagrams – ask an adult at home to write your words with the letters mixed up. Unscramble the words to write them correctly e.g. ipsh – ship.
  • Bake a cake and practise writing your words on the cake with icing.
  • Phonics interactive game – Fishy Phonics.  Link below. Or


Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely October break.

Miss Marra and Miss Walkingshaw


We love P2A!

We have been really busy since we started Primary 2. We have been working hard to make sure we feel safe and happy at school. We have also been working hard on our learning. Here are some of the learning and activities we have enjoyed so far in Primary 2A.


I like playing in the “safe Corner” with my friends.     Hugo

Kites use push and pull to move in the air. I have learned this in Science.   Alex

In Science, we learned about push and pull forces. When we you use a bow and arrow, you pull to start with and then you push at the end.  Jasmine

I like building with the straws that connect together. I like doing this with my friends.   Harry

I like how we have a moving word when Miss Marra finishes giving us instructions. When she says the word, we can start to tidy up and move. Today, our moving word is monsters.   Leila

I learned how to play Rob the Nest in P.E with Mr Millar.    Ollie

I like Writing and I like playing with my friends.   Isla

I like playing with the straws and the blocks. I also like Writing.   Oscar C

I liked when we made the kites in Science and I also like P.E.    Bruce

I like playing and I also like drawing.    Noah

I like drawing and playing with my friends. My friends are Isla, Isabella, Lacey, Carly and Jasmine.   Perry

I like Play Time outside.    Jaysiel

I love playing with the cubes.   Matthew

I like Break and when we play.   Carly

I enjoy playing with my friends at break and after lunch. I also like playing football. I also like Maths and Play.   Harris

I like doing Writing and Maths.  Isabella

I like P.E and I also liked when we made our table names.    Lacey

I like playing with Frankie.    Oscar M

I like Maths.   Cameron

I like playing and doing P.E. I like doing Science with the kites. I like football which I play after lunch when I go outside. I like when we go outside after lunch.  I like nature too so I like going outside at school. I love Jasmine too. Jamie

I like playing football.  Harley

I like when it is lunch time and story time.   Isabelle

I like Writing and playing outside at break. I like Maths too. Frankie

We have had a fantastic few weeks in Primary 2A and we all work so hard.

Article 28: We have the right to learn.

Article 19: We have the right to be safe.


Happy Holidays P2M!

Happy holidays everyone! Thank you for all your amazing efforts during this time and throughout the year. You have worked so hard and you have been  very resilient during lockdown. it has been so lovely to talk to you over the phone and it was great to see so many of you yesterday. Thank you to all of you who have up your time to come and see Miss Walkingshaw and I in the playground.

Here are a few final photos from this week. Have a lovely summer everyone and I look forward to seeing you in August when you are all big Primary 3 pupils! You are all amazing and I am so proud of you.

Love from Miss Marra

You were really enjoying your Maths this week. You have really developed your confidence in Maths this year and you are smashing those missing number sums. Well done for all your hard work!


You look so proud of your Roman shield. I can see you worked so hard on this and it was lovely to see photos of you making it. You seemed to really enjoy the process and look at the result. Well done!

P2 Home Learning Grid

Happy Monday everyone!

We hope you have had a lovely weekend and have enjoyed some of the beautiful weather we have had. Here you have the last home learning grid of Primary 2. Thank you to all of you for your hard work and your efforts during this time. We know how difficult it can be when learning at home but you have done a fantastic job and it is lovely to see you all doing fun activities at home with your families.

Enjoy your last week of Primary 2 and we look forward to seeing some more of the activities you are doing throughout the week.  We also look forward to seeing some of you in school this week if you are able to make it on Thursday for a catch up between 12 – 1:30pm  (see box on grid.)

The only other attachment you will need this week is the Spelling words which includes revision of magic e/CVC words. There is also another copy of the resilience alphabet attached if needed.

Have a great week:)

Miss Marra and Miss Walkingshaw

Grid 13

Grid 13 Spelling Words


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