Welcome Back Primary 1!

Good morning everyone and welcome to our new term.  We hope you all enjoyed your break and managed to have fun.

Please see below our Home Learning for this week.

Home Learning 20.4.20

For the group of children who read with Ms Boyes and Mrs Forbes here are more common words for you to practise to help your reading.



We hope you enjoy the activities and stay safe and healthy.

Ms Boyes, Mrs Forbes, Mrs Grieve & Mrs Murdoch

Primary 1

Ms Boyes, Mrs Forbes, Mrs Grieve and Mrs Murdoch all hope you are all trying hard with your learning and keeping busy.  Here is your home learning grid for this week (30/3/20). You will already have a paper copy of this in your folder.

P1 Homework Grid 2

To help your reading, here are the first 30 tricky words.

You know some of these tricky words already, we wonder how many you will know when we see you next!  We’ll add more after the break.

Tricky Words 1-30


Primary 1 – S.S.P.C.A. Visit

When the S.S.P.C.A. visited our school this week they brought a special visitor to Primary 1, a very ‘Happy Hamster’!  It wasn’t a real hamster but we did learn lots.

We were learning about being responsible.  We found out about all the things hamsters need and how we should look after them.  We talked about how we needed to be quiet and gentle and have a good routine to look after pets.

Primary 1 – Measure

Primary 1 have been carrying out lots of measuring in and around class.

We measured with giant sized hands and feet.  After our investigations we compared sizes and we realised that these gave us different answers.  We know now why we use centimetres and metres to measure.


We then measured how tall we are!


Primary 1

This week Primary 1 went to the first Hub meeting.  At the meetings each Hub decided what they wanted to learn about and do this school year.  In the Literacy Hub everyone was very excited to have a whole school competition!

In our phonics learning we are almost finished the second group of Jolly Phonics sounds, look out for the information sheet coming home next week.

We have been learning about autumn.  In the red class we have a growing collection of seeds and have been talking about trees and how plants grow.

We hope all the beans that went home before the holidays are flourishing!

Primary 1

This week Primary 1 have been consolidating their learning of Jolly Phonics first sound group. (s, a, t, i, p, n)  Look out for a page showing the sounds and actions coming home in the school bags soon.

Today we went to our House Groups for the first time and some of us shared our ideas about school.  Well done Primary 1!

If possible please order your child’s lunch on line, it will save us a lot of time in class.  Many thanks.


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