Learning in P1

We’ve been learning a new sound ‘ie’ this week and have been reading and building words with the ‘ie’ sound in them.

We’ve also been learning about subtraction and have been ‘taking away one’ from a group.

We’ve been listening to lots of stories and some of us have even been counting to 10 in French!

The teachers are really looking forward to seeing everyone in school on Monday.  Have a lovely weekend.

Learning in P1

Hello everyone.

The boys and girls have been very busy this week.  We’ve been learning about time.  We have been ordering the months of the year, the days of the week and have been learning to tell the time ‘o’clock’ on our analogue clocks.

Our new sound this week was ‘wh’ and we’ve been learning to read cvc words.

We’ve been using our listening skills to listen to stories and have also been discussing what foods are healthy and unhealthy.

We hope you have a great weekend!

P2/1 Learning

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 2/1 have been working hard this week and are also very excited about the Christmas period (and a special daily visit from a mischievous Elf called Jingle).


Primary 2s are learning about Arrays and finding different ways to experiment with this using the Smartboard, counters, whiteboards and Numicons.                  Primary 1s have been introduced to more Mathematics and learning about Weight and the concepts of Lighter and Heavier.  The children have enjoyed using classroom objects to experiment with this and deepen their learning.


Primary 2s have been using different techniques to practise their spelling words. Primary 1s have been learning the sounds ‘w’ and ‘v’ and been trying out more cvc (consonant vowel consonant) words e.g. van and win etc.

Social Studies

In Topic Primary 2/1 are enjoying learning about Pirates and made a super effort in creating their own Treasure Maps after learning about the saying          ‘X Marks The Spot’ and how this was made popular by Robert Louis Stevenson in his famous book Treasure Island from 1883.  The children are keen to read this book when they are older.  The children added great detail to their maps, such as, volcanoes, bridges, rivers, palm trees etc.  The children then crushed their sheets to make it look ‘authentic’ and we discussed this fantastic word too!


Mrs Meikle

P2/1 Learning

Primary 2/1 have been working very hard this week for Mrs Turner.


Primary 1 have been revising their phonics this week and Primary 2 have been learning the sound ‘oo’ with words such as look and book.  Primary 1 have also been practising their blending of sounds to sound out words.  The hula hoop jumping activity for this was much enjoyed.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Primary 2 have been doing more work on learning their doubles and near doubles.  They are also learning to count in twos.  Primary 1 have been learning more about Number Bonds to 10, for example, different ways to make 10.  6+4, 7+3 etc.  They have also been introduced to 2D shapes.

Road Safety and Book Week

It’s been a fun week for P2/1 with lots of fun activities to learn about Road Safety and reading opportunities for Book Week.  Primary 1 took home their BookBug gift bag and Primary 2 took home their Read Write Count gift bag.  We hope that children and parents enjoy these gifts from the Scottish Book Trust.

Pirate Topic

The children enjoyed painting parrots as part of their learning about pirates and these have been displayed on the wall.

Mrs Meikle

Learning in Praimary 1

P1 are very busy learning the next set of sounds from Jolly Phonics,  g,o,u,l,f,b, and starting to recognise ‘tricky’ common words that we can’t sound out like ‘the’ and ‘of’.

Look out for letters in bags next week showing the sounds and actions to go with them.

In maths, we’ve been learning number bonds eg what two numbers go together to make ten?  We’ve also been learning to recognise, say, order and write our numbers.  You could try practising this at home too!

At the beginning of this term, the boys and girls in each class were asked what they would like to learn about.  Every class voted for an area in their classroom to be turned into something new…   The boys and girls came up with some amazing ideas.  Just look at what they decided to do!

P1b decided to build a tree house.  They’ve been learning about how trees grow, what trees look like in different seasons and labelling parts of a tree.  They’ve also had great fun reading and looking at the pictures inside the tree house.   Thanks to Mrs Hay for all her help!

P1a voted for a doctors’ surgery…

They’ve had great fun making appointments, finding out about different parts of the body and looking at pictures of x-rays.

P1c chose to make a vet practice.  They have been taking x-rays of the animals on their x-ray machine and want to find out what the inside of a cat looks like!

   The x-ray machine.  Patients are waiting their turn.

P2/1 chose to make a Post Office.   They’ve been learning about the journey a letter makes, weighing items and sorting the post into small, medium and large letters.  They’ll also be learning about continents, as part of their ‘Pirate’ topic.

Next week is Road Safety Week.  We’ll be learning how to stay safe crossing the road and cycle safety.

It’s also Book Week next week.  We’ll have lots of fun learning activities to go with the books from the Scottish Book Trust.   Look out for your Bookbug Bag gift next week.   You may like to look at the Scottish Book Trust website to get some ideas for home.



Learning in P1

P1 have been continuing to practise their sounds.

‘I liked making the dinosuar when we were learning the ‘d’ sound’ Felicity.

‘I liked making the rainbow for ‘r” Finlay.

‘I liked making the mouse mask for ‘m” Jack.

‘I like listening to stories’ Sofia.

During maths week the boys and girls went outside.

‘I liked making numbers from stones and leaves’ Harlen.


Pupils had fun collecting items and sorting them.   We also looked to find different shapes in the environment.

Please look out for the next set of sounds in school bags this week. c,k,e,h,r,m,d

Pupils will also have a sheet with the alphabet, showing how we form our letters at school.   Please don’t worry if your child does not know all the letters yet.

Many thanks.   The P1 team.

Transition Task – Week 2

Week 2 Transition Task – ‘It’s A Seashell Day’

This week we would like you to watch and listen to the story ‘It’s a Seashell Day’ by Diane Ochiltree with your child.  The story and learning activities suggested are an ideal way to further develop your child’s number sense and the counting principles. This learning will be revisited when your child starts Primary 1.  Please follow the link below to access the story ‘It’s a Seashell Day’.  We hope you enjoy it 🐚


If you want to learn more about the counting principles please click the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG0jzpZtfgs

We hope you and your child enjoy this weeks story 🙂 Maybe you can continue to find ways to count objects in your house and/or garden or maybe you can spot numbers and collections of objects in your environment or out on your walks.

P3R Maths week

This week is Maths week and we have been looking at visualising numbers. This helps us get a picture in our mind of how big or small numbers are and how we can show this. We looked at how patterns can help us to count and work out amounts quickly.

We coloured in dot patterns to show numbers to 30.

We drew long lines with chalk in the playground and we had to visualise where the numbers would go on the line.

We cut out dots of coloured card and used them to show 2 digit and 3 digit numbers…and even 4 digit numbers!

Well Done P3R!  Super number work.

Its great to be back!

Learning in Primary 2

Article 28: We have the right to learn.

We have been so busy working hard and getting used to our new routines in Primary 2 which means this is our first blog post of the year.

In Literacy and Maths, we have been taking part in learning activities at stations where we are provided with opportunities to say, write, make and do different tasks to help us with our learning.

In Literacy we have learned th, sh and ch words e.g. with, ship, chat. This week, we are learning words that begin with “wh.” Some of us are also practising reading and writing CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant; e.g. cat, mop, bug etc). Please support your child to practise reading and writing these words at home. Your child will also have opportunities to practise their sounds as part of their homework grid. In Maths we have been working on numeral identification and we have been working hard to order and sequence numbers within 100.

Every morning, we take part in Smart Start when we come into the classroom. We work individually, in pairs or groups on different learning activities including games, puzzles, mindfulness colouring, letter formation, quiet reading and making numbers using concrete materials such as cubes, counting sticks or numicon. This helps us to feel calm and ready for the day.


Our new Topic is “The Human Body.” So far, we have learned about the brain, the heart and the skeleton. We even made brain hats to show the sides of our brains and how they are used. We worked hard in groups to make skeletons which was a great challenge and we can’t wait to show them off at Parents’ Evening.


Just a reminder about our P.E days in Primary 2: P2M – Wednesday and Thursday. P2W – Tuesday and Wednesday.


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