P2/1 Learning This Week

Primary 2/1 – you have worked hard this week!

In Language, Primary 1 are practising their reading, writing and handwriting each week now.  The children are learning to read longer sentences using their phonics to sound out cvc and ccvc words.  Some children are also blending and reading much longer words using their phonics knowledge.  In writing we are working hard on thinking about all of the sounds in a word as we write it down.

In Language, Primary 2 practised Instructional Writing for the second time – this time we ‘walked through’ ‘How To Make A Jam Sandwich’.  The Primary 2s were very wise this week and remembered the rules from last week’s handwashing instructional writing.  Primary 2s were also practising spelling with their new phonic sounds – st, ft and mp (e.g. first, lift and bump).  They enjoyed learning to use a dictionary to look up some words as part of their Clarifying lesson in Comprehension.

In Numeracy, Primary 1 did more work on learning numbers 11-20 and Primary 2s learned their half-past times on digital.  The Primary 2s were also given some learner agency in this area and they enhanced a Time Traveller mini-whiteboard game that was introduced in the class earlier in the week.  The children went on to developing it further into an airport and train station context and one pupil created a detailed map of a train station and airport including clocks placed within it.  Some rich dialogue around time could be heard during this game.

In our Romans topic the whole class loved the Romulus and Remus mythical story about the alleged Founders of Rome who were raised by a she-wolf when they were babies.  The children made their own stick puppets and re-enacted the story through puppet drama.

In French we learned the weather and used weather sticks to interact with one another whilst asking ‘What’s the weather like?’ and to answer these : It’s a lovely day; It’s raining; It’s cloudy; It’s snowing; It’s cold.  The children also very much love when Tidot, our French mascot, visits the lesson.

In Word Boost, where we introduce four WOW words in a weekly story, the children very much loved dramatising this at the end of the week.  They were excellent at remembering their speaking parts and also used great listening skills whilst others were talking.

I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend, Primary 2/1.

Primary 1s, I look forward to hearing your class talks on your favourite animals next Tuesday.

Best wishes,

Mrs Meikle





P2/1 Learning this week

Primary 2/1 have had a great week of learning.

In Maths, Primary 1s were learning about doing a survey of information then presenting the results in a block graph.  Our survey was about our eye colours.  We learned that presenting it in a block graph made it much easier to see the results quickly and clearly.  Primary 1s also practised counting forwards to 20 this week.  The Primary 2 children are learning Time and focused on half-past on analogue clocks.  They made their own clocks and then showed the Primary 1s how to place the hands to make ‘half-past’ times.

In Literacy, Primary 1s spent the week reading and writing.  We read our reading books before sending these home and in writing we wrote sentences dictated by the teacher.  We had a few things to remember to be successful in our writing:  capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words and sounding out all of the words and making sure to write each sound down in the right order.  They then listened to my individual feedback afterwards to know how to improve the next time.  Primary 2s were learning the sounds ng and nk and in writing  they learned how to write an Instruction.  The instruction was ‘How To Wash Your Hands’ and firstly the children had to tell the teacher each step in washing hands – at the sink the teacher followed each step literally and the children understood how important it was to make the instruction very clear.  The children also learned about how to write an instruction correctly and they thought imperative verbs (bossy verbs) were funny, for example.  Wash/ Rinse/ Dry/.  These are verbs that tell us what to do.  They also learned about using Sequencers, for example, First, Next, Last etc.

In Science we are learning all about our Senses with Mrs Beattie.

Our topic is The Romans and the children discussed what they knew already and what they’d like to learn which includes learning about transport, food, houses and wars.  They also looked for Italy and Rome on a real map and made their own flag of Italy.  They learned the Latin words for boy and girl – puer et puella.

Thank you for returning all the Primary 1 reading books in the book bags (which protects our books).  I hope you enjoyed listening to the children sound, blend and read.  Primary 2s, your reading homework starts next week in line with the other Primary 2 classes.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and I look forward to hearing all your news tomorrow.

Best wishes,

Mrs Meikle

Learning in P1

We’ve been learning a new sound ‘ie’ this week and have been reading and building words with the ‘ie’ sound in them.

We’ve also been learning about subtraction and have been ‘taking away one’ from a group.

We’ve been listening to lots of stories and some of us have even been counting to 10 in French!

The teachers are really looking forward to seeing everyone in school on Monday.  Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 2A Phonics

Good afternoon everyone,

Please see below for our new sounds this week. We are learning “igh” and  “y” and some pupils are also continuing to practise CVC words. Please support your child to read and write the words in their list. One of the activities the children have enjoyed the most in class is going on a word hunt, with their words written on small pieces of paper for them to find and read.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Marra

Spelling Words igh and y

Primary 2/1 – P2 Phonics and Spelling

Good morning,

Please find attached our new sounds and spelling for this week:   ‘igh’ and ‘y’.  Some of our children are practising cvc words for spelling but all are learning the new sounds for this week together.

Please support your child to practise reading and writing these words at home.  Try to  focus on sounding out each sound then blend the sounds together.  If the children are confident reading and writing the words they may wish to write sentences with their words to challenge them further.

These have also been posted on Seesaw for you too.

P2 Spelling igh and y 7th December 2020

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Meikle

P2/1 Learning

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 2/1 have been working hard this week and are also very excited about the Christmas period (and a special daily visit from a mischievous Elf called Jingle).


Primary 2s are learning about Arrays and finding different ways to experiment with this using the Smartboard, counters, whiteboards and Numicons.                  Primary 1s have been introduced to more Mathematics and learning about Weight and the concepts of Lighter and Heavier.  The children have enjoyed using classroom objects to experiment with this and deepen their learning.


Primary 2s have been using different techniques to practise their spelling words. Primary 1s have been learning the sounds ‘w’ and ‘v’ and been trying out more cvc (consonant vowel consonant) words e.g. van and win etc.

Social Studies

In Topic Primary 2/1 are enjoying learning about Pirates and made a super effort in creating their own Treasure Maps after learning about the saying          ‘X Marks The Spot’ and how this was made popular by Robert Louis Stevenson in his famous book Treasure Island from 1883.  The children are keen to read this book when they are older.  The children added great detail to their maps, such as, volcanoes, bridges, rivers, palm trees etc.  The children then crushed their sheets to make it look ‘authentic’ and we discussed this fantastic word too!


Mrs Meikle

Primary 2A Phonics

Good afternoon,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Please see below for this week’s Phonics sounds. We are learning “ou” and “ow” in class week. Please support your child to practise reading and writing these words at home. In class, we focus on sounding out to blend the sounds together. If the children are confident reading and writing the words, they may wish to write sentences with their words to challenge them further.

Spelling Words ou and ow words

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Marra

P6 – Learners Leading Learning

I was delighted to receive this message by email today from our P6 class. Our school are working on developing reading skills and we have purchased some puppets to help the younger pupils understand the skills we are learning about. Our pupils in P6 have come up with the great idea of creating videos to help introduce the younger pupils to the skills they are learning about and using in their reading. I’m looking forward to seeing how the videos turn out! Well done P6 for a great idea – another example of our young learners leading learning in ECPS 🙂

P2A Phonics

Good afternoon everyone,


I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another great week. Please see this week’s Spelling words below for each group. This week, the children are learning the “oi” and “oy” sounds. Some pupils are also practising CVC words. Please support your child to read and write these words at home. The “Create an Activity” task on the homework grid provides opportunities for the children to use a strategy of their choice to practise their words e.g. painting, writing in felt pen, writing in chalk outside, going on a word hunt around the house etc.

Spelling Words oi and oy

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Marra

Primary 2 Phonics

Good afternoon everyone,

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Please see the attached Spelling words for each group this week. This week’s sound is oh and ow which the children have begun learning today. Please support your child to practise reading and writing these words.

Spelling Words oa and ow

Primary 2 have been given Fry’s words to practise at home this week. Pupils in Primary 2B have already been given Fry’s words. Please support your child to practise reading the highlighted words at home and these will also be practised in class. Please tick each word when your child can read it and they will be given more words to practise each week.


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Marra and Miss Walkingshaw

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