Tetrahedron building in P6

Thanks to Conor from Morrison Construction who came in and spent the morning with us building a huge Tetrahedron! Team work was certainly the order of the day and it was great to see the class collaborating and problem solving to get the job done! The quality of the communication and decision making as a team certainly helped towards our end goal. Well done P6.



Sports Day P1-2

Happy Sports Day everyone!!

Unfortunately, due to Scottish weather we had to move our Sports Day off the grass and into school grounds/dining hall. The pupils were very resilient and loved working hard to achieve house points for their team. They visited 4 stations outside and 3 stations inside. They completed activities like bean bag target throw, javelin and an obstacle course! Well done to all that participated.

Miss Bennett

Free Book Friday!

We would like to let everyone know that we are launching FREE Book Friday.

We have a large selection of surplus books that we no longer require and would like to promote a love of reading by giving them away to pupils and families.

Every Friday pupils can choose to bring a book  home from our selection in school. We also hope the weather is kind and we will have tables with books in the playground for families to chose from.

Look out for the Free Books HERE sign. Feel free to take as many as you wish.

Happy Reading!

A Celebration of STEM with P5A

Our science teacher, Mrs Beattie, has been working hard with P5A on the Climate Smarter project to produce a model of an eco friendly school. The children worked in groups to produce models which included sustainable features such as wind turbines and water recycling units. Our head teacher, Mrs Stewart, had the unenviable task of choosing 2 models to go forward to the Climate Smarter competition and STEM celebration at Heriot-Watt university on 22nd May.
The 2 groups attended the day with Mrs Beattie and Mrs Campbell. The children were asked to set up their models and then had the opportunity to spend the morning taking part in a range of STEM challenges.
They then had to present their models to the judges and showcase their knowledge about ways to make buildings more eco friendly and sustainable.
Both groups spoke confidently and held their own against other pupils ranging from P5 to S2.

We were all absolutely delighted, surprised and elated when one of our groups won 2nd prize! The boys were over the moon and received a trophy, certificate and a whopping £150 for Mrs Beattie to spend on STEM resources!

We couldn’t have been more proud of the pupils, they conducted themselves beautifully all day and spoke so confidential and enthusiastically to the judges and everyone else they met that day (even the bus driver was impressed with them!).

A huge well done to everyone involved and thank you to Mrs Beattie for organising.

Community Hub visit to East Calder Bowling Club

Thanks so much to East Calder Bowling Club for hosting the Community Hub this morning. We had a great time honing our bowling skills. We are so grateful you gave your time to share your skills with us. We definitely have some budding bowlers who are keen to start bowling as a hobby. The refreshments were very well received and what can we say about your amazing donation to our P7 Leavers’ Fund of £180.00. Hopefully we can continue to nurture this worthwhile link with the community.

Primary 4 Class Pet

Well done team 4 who cleaned out our class gerbil today. They made sure to work as a team to get all parts of her cage clean for her to use. We always remember to keep some of her bedding to ensure she has a familiar scent when we return her to her cage.

Parliament Visits P6

As part of our Social Studies context P6 have been investigating the features of an election and the work of our representatives at both a local and national level. They are developing their understanding of how a democracy works and are discussing what the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Scotland are. To assist us with our learning we have been fortunate enough to have visits from both the UK and Scottish Parliament this week. We had our own manifestos, elections and even a monarch! Of course we had a speaker and Presiding Officer too so everyone came to order!









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