Winter 2019/20 Respiratory Illness
NHS Lothian have seen a large number of respiratory outbreaks in nurseries and schools in the past few weeks.
The main symptoms being reported include:
– Fever
– Cough
– Sore throat
– Muscle aches
– Sore tummy
– Cold/Flu like symptoms
– headache
These symptoms are consistent with respiratory viral illnesses such as the common cold, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza.
Respiratory viruses are spread by breathing in droplets produced when a person coughs or sneezes. You can also catch the virus by touching the surfaces that the droplets have landed on if you pick up the virus on your hands and then touch your nose or mouth.
Key advice for parents and carers:
In the home the risk of catching or spreading flu/cold like illness can be reduced by:
• Regular hand washing with liquid soap and running water
• Covering nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing
• Using a disposable paper tissue, disposed off immediately after use.
• You can teach your child to sneeze into the ‘crook’ of their arm rather than their hands, if they don’t have a tissue.
• Good general cleaning of surface that everyone touches often e.g. TV remote, light switches, door handles, toilet flushes and tap heads.
Children should not return to school until completely well and 48 hours after symptoms have ceased.
Primary 7 – Group 2 Visit to WCHS
A little reminder that pupils in Technology group 2 will attend WCHS tomorrow at 9am and then on the 19th of December. The session for the 12th of December was moved to the 19th due to the school being closed to pupils for the upcoming election.
Please ensure you have handed in your EE2 or you will be unable to attend.
Miss Morrison
In nursery we have started to introduce a new wood work bench and tools to the children. Some of the children have spoken about how we use the different tools and how we can stay safe when using them. Next week the children will have the opportunity to practice hammering nails into the wood.
Wood work is a great activity for children to gain real first hand experiences and it also allows them to develop their hand eye coordination, risk management, problem solving skills and their fine motor control.
We would like to thank all the parents and carers who came in during our Stay and Play sessions last week. The children love to share with their families what they do at Nursery.
Also big thanks for your kind donations for the Christmas School Fayre, they are all very well appreciated.
As we continue to develop our Nursery and Nursery grounds we are looking for idea’s from Parents and Carers. Your suggestions are valued and appreciated. Please add any idea’s to the Blue Sheet next the signing in sheets. Thank you.
We are also looking for words that describe what you value in Early Years to create a ‘Wordall’ (picture made up of words). Please`share your words with Nursery Staff.
P3R/P3/2C Sharing the learning
We have been busy preparing for the school fayre in Nursery. The children have decorated baubles and pine cones and helped to slice oranges to hang on our tree’s. We will be selling these handmade goodies at our Nursery stall. Please support PSA fundraising for the school and nursery by coming along to our fayre on Saturday 14th December 10am-1pm. Thank you for your support.
Last week the children helped to look after our wildlife by making bird feeders using apples and sesame seeds. During their daily walk they found tree’s to hang them from. This helps the children develop an understanding of nature and how we can help birds and other wildlife stay well fed during the colder months. There has been a lot of discussion from the children regarding migrating birds and moles and hedgehogs hibernating over winter.
Story Stones
During Book Week we introduced new Story Stones. The children had great fun using them to recall and retell familiar stories and to help introduce a story line into their own storytelling. They used their imagination well to create their very own storybooks through drawing pictures.
Children’s Rights
Our Week in P7S
This week we enjoyed using our school library to research Scottish Inventors and complete our biographies which will be displayed in the wall in our classroom. Group 2 enjoyed working with Dr Cherry on a technology project as part of our transition, we were trying to draw lines without rulers to make shapes. Some pupils in P7 worked with Firefighters learning important life saving skills, ask us about this at home and we can teach you how to perform CPR. The Firefighters are returning next week to work with the pupils who did not have the opportunity this week, I know they are very excited to use the props to practise their life saving skills.