Starting next Monday, the P4s in P5/4C will be able to take part in NYCOS choir sessions from visiting specialists. These session will take place on Monday afternoons and will include all primary 4 pupils. We are having a short session in class this Thursday to get us started and are all looking forward to it!
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P7S visit to West Calder High School
Christmas in P3R
We have been having a busy time in P3R.
As part of our homework tasks we could make a model sleigh for a small toy,
We had some super models and it was interesting to hear how they were made. Very creative ideas P3R!
We learned how to sew felt Christmas tree decorations for the school Christmas Fayre last week.
..and we had a fun time at our Christmas party on Tuesday.
We have also been practising songs for our Christmas SingAlong on Friday. We hope you can join us at 9.50am
Merry Christmas everyone from P3R!
Christmas Crafts P7/6L
Primary 7/6L have been busy preparing Christmas Crafts as an enterprise project for the Christmas Fayre. In numeracy we have been working on calculating cost (our expenditure) and also the terms profit and loss to decide what price to sell our products. We will be selling both of our products at the Fayre on Saturday. We have made sock snowmen as well as a winter recipe book full of yummy sweet treats and winter warmers from our wonderful staff. We have also been making and selling Christmas cards around to school to fundraise for our class sponsored animal.
SANTA’S COMING!! Community Update
Please see information from the East Calder Scout group about SANTA visits to East Calder and Calderwood!
P5/4C Titanic Home-School Challenge
As part of the Titanic IDL, P5/4C were challenged to create a 3D model of a 1st, 2nd or 3rd class cabin from the ill-fated ship. Many pupils rose to the challenge with great enthusiasm and have shown some fantastic creativity and inventiveness in their designs.
Thank you to everyone (and their little helpers at home!) who took up the challenge – your cabins look amazing!
P3R Sharing the Learning
Thank you so much to all our family and friends that came along to our sharing the learning this afternoon.
After listening to ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ by Ronda and David Armitage this term, we have been thinking about the world of work.
We have been listening this week to class talks about the different jobs that we would like to do when we are older.
In Science we have been finding out about saving energy.
We practiced our talking and listening skills by discussing how we could save energy and also about the different skills people need to do jobs.
We have made fantastic models of lighthouses and Mr and Mrs Grinling’s cottage.
We used our reading skills to help us identify different kinds of seagulls.
In Maths we have been working on money.
We had to create a delicious concoction for Mr Grinling’s lunch, write a shopping list and work out the cost of his lunch.
A great afternoon P3R, demonstrating your skills to others!
Well done!
Message from NHS Lothian
Winter 2019/20 Respiratory Illness
NHS Lothian have seen a large number of respiratory outbreaks in nurseries and schools in the past few weeks.
The main symptoms being reported include:
– Fever
– Cough
– Sore throat
– Muscle aches
– Sore tummy
– Cold/Flu like symptoms
– headache
These symptoms are consistent with respiratory viral illnesses such as the common cold, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza.
Respiratory viruses are spread by breathing in droplets produced when a person coughs or sneezes. You can also catch the virus by touching the surfaces that the droplets have landed on if you pick up the virus on your hands and then touch your nose or mouth.
Key advice for parents and carers:
In the home the risk of catching or spreading flu/cold like illness can be reduced by:
• Regular hand washing with liquid soap and running water
• Covering nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing
• Using a disposable paper tissue, disposed off immediately after use.
• You can teach your child to sneeze into the ‘crook’ of their arm rather than their hands, if they don’t have a tissue.
• Good general cleaning of surface that everyone touches often e.g. TV remote, light switches, door handles, toilet flushes and tap heads.
Children should not return to school until completely well and 48 hours after symptoms have ceased.
Primary 7 – Group 2 Visit to WCHS
A little reminder that pupils in Technology group 2 will attend WCHS tomorrow at 9am and then on the 19th of December. The session for the 12th of December was moved to the 19th due to the school being closed to pupils for the upcoming election.
Please ensure you have handed in your EE2 or you will be unable to attend.
Miss Morrison