Primary 5B and Primary 5/4C Home Learning Grid (3)

ECPS Home Challenge Grid closure wk3

Spelling list (1) suffix ly fully

Hello everyone and welcome back! We hope you have all had a lovely Easter break.

Please find attached the Home Learning grid for this week and Mild/Spicy/Hot spelling lists.

Remember to check TEAMS throughout the week for supplementary tasks,

looking forward to getting in touch with everyone tomorrow!

Mrs Campbell and Miss Beattie

Happy Easter – Take care!

It is now officially the Easter break! Well done to everyone for completing all the fantastic work that you have. I hope everyone manages to relax over the holidays. I wish everyone a safe and healthy Easter. Look after yourselves!

Miss Baldacci (Principal Teacher)

happy easter sunday GIF by Lisa Vertudaches (GIF Image)

Autism Awareness Week

Hi to all our families at East Calder!

This week is Autism Awareness Week.  Autistic learners may find coping with the uncertainty and significant changes to their routines particularly challenging at this time.  However, it is also completely normal for children without Autism to be finding it difficult to cope with the great changes to their routines at this time.  Education Scotland have a large range of resources from their Autism Toolbox to support families during this time.  I hope this link can help support you and your family at this time

Take care,

Miss Baldacci (Principal Teacher).

Neighbourhood Window Walk

Hi Everyone!

I hope you and your families are well and keeping safe. I know that many of you have done a fantastic job creating rainbows for your windows (to spread a little happiness throughout your community). I have attached a further list of fun ideas you might want to get involved in. It is flowers just now and soon it will be  posting jokes to make people laugh!

Take care,

Miss Baldacci (Principal Teacher).


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