P2 Spelling ow and ou 30th November 2020
Please find attached our spelling words for this week ow (as in owl) and ou (as in cloud). Some of our children are practising spelling cvc words.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Meikle
P2 Spelling ow and ou 30th November 2020
Please find attached our spelling words for this week ow (as in owl) and ou (as in cloud). Some of our children are practising spelling cvc words.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Meikle
Hello Primary 2s in my P2/1 class,
I hope you are all well and have had a lot of fun at the weekend. This week our Phonics sounds are ee and ea. Please see the Spelling words for our two groups below. Some children also continue to practise reading and writing CVC words. Please support your child to read and write these words at home.
P2 Spelling ee and ea 23nd November 2020
Please also continue to support your child to read Fry’s sight words at home. They do not need to practise writing these words until they are confidently able to read them.
Below Homework Grid is for Monday 23rd November through to Friday 4th December. I hope you have lots of fun trying out some of these activities at home.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Meikle
Please find attached Homework Grid and Spelling words for P4/3. It is also on Teams as an assignment & in Files and on Seesaw. I look forward to seeing all your work.
Homework Grid 23rd November Spelling words 23.11.20-allgroups
Good morning P3!
Here is your homework grid for the next 2 weeks.
You will also be able to access it on Seesaw.
Please make sure you complete the squares that are shaded in. The others are optional.
We are really enjoying getting to see all the amazing work you have been doing on Seesaw and even getting some previews of your class talks! Keep up the good work.
One of your homework tasks from the last grid was to prepare a class talk about your dream job. We will be presenting these from today, so please make sure you are prepared and have anything you need with you!
We are really looking forward to seeing your class talks this week!
Have a fantastic week!
Miss Reid P3A Mrs Robertson P3B
Primary 2/1 have been working very hard this week for Mrs Turner.
Primary 1 have been revising their phonics this week and Primary 2 have been learning the sound ‘oo’ with words such as look and book. Primary 1 have also been practising their blending of sounds to sound out words. The hula hoop jumping activity for this was much enjoyed.
Numeracy and Mathematics
Primary 2 have been doing more work on learning their doubles and near doubles. They are also learning to count in twos. Primary 1 have been learning more about Number Bonds to 10, for example, different ways to make 10. 6+4, 7+3 etc. They have also been introduced to 2D shapes.
Road Safety and Book Week
It’s been a fun week for P2/1 with lots of fun activities to learn about Road Safety and reading opportunities for Book Week. Primary 1 took home their BookBug gift bag and Primary 2 took home their Read Write Count gift bag. We hope that children and parents enjoy these gifts from the Scottish Book Trust.
Pirate Topic
The children enjoyed painting parrots as part of their learning about pirates and these have been displayed on the wall.
Mrs Meikle
It’s Book Week!
On Monday everyone was excited to see all the super things in our Read, Write, Count bags.
We have looked at the books called ‘Look Up!’ and ‘Wow! Animals’ and we discussed fiction and non- fiction books.
We really loved the tape measure and used it to measure things in the class and out in the playground at playtime. This will help us to learn how to estimate accurately.
We played with card sets and made up some games of our own.
There are lots of great ideas and activities in the Parent Club booklet to help children extend their learning. You may also like to look at the Scottish Book Trust website.
Happy Reading Everyone!
Hello Primary 2s in my P2/1 class,
Hope you are all well and had a lot of fun at the weekend. Please see the Spelling words for our two groups below. This week, our Phonics sound is oo and some children also continue to practise reading and writing CVC words. Please support your child to read and write these words at home.
P2 Spelling oo 16th November 2020
Please also continue to support your child to read Fry’s sight words at home. They do not need to practise writing these words until they are confidently able to read them.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Meikle
Dear Primary 1s and Primary 2s, I am missing you all very much and I look forward to being back in school. I will be in touch via Seesaw shortly too.
Here are the spelling words for this week for the Primary Twos. They are learning sounds“oi” and “oy”. Some pupils are also practising CVC words.
Please support your child to read and write these words at home. The “Create an Activity” task on the homework grid provides opportunities for the children to use a strategy of their choice to practise their words e.g. painting, writing in felt pen, writing in chalk outside, going on a word hunt around the house etc. I attach the Homework Grid for this week and next week.
With warm wishes,
Mrs. Meikle
P4/3 Homework Grid, Spelling Words and Personal Talk Success Criteria for week beginning 9.11.20.
Homework Grid 9th November Spelling words 09.11.20-allgroups Personal talk criteria
Good morning P3!
Here is your homework grid for the next 2 weeks.
You will also be able to access it on Seesaw.
We have loved seeing all of your learning on Seesaw. It is helping you to become more confident when sharing your learning with others.
One of your next tasks is to prepare a short class talk about the job you would like to do in the future.
We will ask you to give your talk some time after Monday 23rd of November.
We are looking forward to enjoying lots of lovely book activities during Book Week Scotland which begins on Monday 16th November.
Keep up the good work!
Miss Reid P3A Mrs Robertson P3B