P2/1 Learning this week

Primary 2/1 have had a great week of learning.

In Maths, Primary 1s were learning about doing a survey of information then presenting the results in a block graph.  Our survey was about our eye colours.  We learned that presenting it in a block graph made it much easier to see the results quickly and clearly.  Primary 1s also practised counting forwards to 20 this week.  The Primary 2 children are learning Time and focused on half-past on analogue clocks.  They made their own clocks and then showed the Primary 1s how to place the hands to make ‘half-past’ times.

In Literacy, Primary 1s spent the week reading and writing.  We read our reading books before sending these home and in writing we wrote sentences dictated by the teacher.  We had a few things to remember to be successful in our writing:  capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words and sounding out all of the words and making sure to write each sound down in the right order.  They then listened to my individual feedback afterwards to know how to improve the next time.  Primary 2s were learning the sounds ng and nk and in writing  they learned how to write an Instruction.  The instruction was ‘How To Wash Your Hands’ and firstly the children had to tell the teacher each step in washing hands – at the sink the teacher followed each step literally and the children understood how important it was to make the instruction very clear.  The children also learned about how to write an instruction correctly and they thought imperative verbs (bossy verbs) were funny, for example.  Wash/ Rinse/ Dry/.  These are verbs that tell us what to do.  They also learned about using Sequencers, for example, First, Next, Last etc.

In Science we are learning all about our Senses with Mrs Beattie.

Our topic is The Romans and the children discussed what they knew already and what they’d like to learn which includes learning about transport, food, houses and wars.  They also looked for Italy and Rome on a real map and made their own flag of Italy.  They learned the Latin words for boy and girl – puer et puella.

Thank you for returning all the Primary 1 reading books in the book bags (which protects our books).  I hope you enjoyed listening to the children sound, blend and read.  Primary 2s, your reading homework starts next week in line with the other Primary 2 classes.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and I look forward to hearing all your news tomorrow.

Best wishes,

Mrs Meikle

This Week in P3

The P3 pupils have settled back in well after the Easter holidays.

Across the stage, we have been learning about fractions, finding halves and quarters, writing fractions, and finding fractions of an amount. We have been finishing off some of our writing from last term and are looking forward to doing lots of writing this term. We have also been focusing on the children’s wellbeing, discussing how to be respectful in class.

P3A have been focusing on fairytales this week, ahead of looking at creative writing this term.

P3B have been making Talking Tigers and finding new ways to discuss and share their learning and ideas!

Homework grids will be going out this week on SEESAW and will be due on Friday 7th May 2021.

Have a wonderful weekend and we are looking forward to starting our new topic, The Iron Man next week!!

Miss Reid                           Mrs Robertson

P2/1 Learning this week

Primary 2/1 you have worked hard this week!

In Literacy, Primary 1s were learning the sounds ‘oi’ as in coin and ‘ng’ as in sing and practised lots of lovely handwriting for these.  They also practised reading simple sentences from the board and even writing one sentence on their own in their new writing jotters – “See a cat.”  They are also enjoying their new reading groups and read their second reading book this week.

Primary 2s are also reading well and enjoying their reading group time together.  They have been practising reading with more fluency (faster).  In writing they were practising their writing skills by creating a word bank of Easter words before writing three of their own Easter sentences.  Primary 2s were learning new sounds of ng and nk and practising their spelling words for these.  Our Friday handwriting lesson is much enjoyed by Primary 2 and they listen to gentle Minecraft relaxing piano music to help slow down the pace of writing to help improve it.

In Numeracy Primary 1s and Primary 2 have been learning Time and completed lots of great work on that on both analogue and digitial clocks.  Primary 2s also spent time practising some of their division again whilst Primary 1s practised more addition.

In Science the whole class worked with Mrs Beattie to create great diagrams of the class plant growing experiments.

In Topic the children continue to enjoy Charlie and the Chocolate Factory story book by Roald Dahl and any associated activities with that.  They recently enjoyed making the chocolate waterfall and lollies and sweetie decorations for the role play corner.

In RME the children learned about the bible story of Easter with Mrs. Turner.

Thank you for all of your hard work and enjoy the weekend, boys and girls.

Best wishes,

Mrs Meikle


This week in P3.

Happy Friday P3! … and Happy  Red Nose Day!

We loved seeing different super heroes in our classes today and we enjoyed listening to lots of jokes. Well done to Erin and Paul for confidently reading their jokes at our assembly. Thank you very much to everyone who made a donation to Comic Relief.

We have all been working so hard in P3 this week on writing information reports. We are have been discussing our core targets and thinking about how we can improve our writing. When we assess our writing we think about… what went well and even better if…

We have also been working on division and using our multiplication facts to help us work out the answer.

Well done everyone! Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Reid P3A             Mrs Robertson P3B


P1 News

Happy Red Nose Day! We loved seeing your costumes and hearing all the jokes in class and assembly.

In class, we have recently been learning some new sounds: oo, ee ai. ie, ou and oi. We have also been learning about Spring with Mrs Turner. We are beginning to learn about halves in Maths and have been practising our addition and subtraction.

We have been continuing to develop our reading skills and reading in small groups. Please look at Seesaw for more information.

As the weather gets warmer, please can you ensure that the children bring  enough water to school.

Due to current covid restrictions, it is essential that personal items are kept at home. Children are not able to share with classmates.

Have a lovely weekend.

The P1 teachers

P4/3 Red Nose Day

Today we dressed a superheroes and donated some money towards Comic Relief  to support people living incredibly tough lives.  This year their aim is to use the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change.  We told each other jokes to make us laugh!

Rory “Why did the fish blush?- because the sea- weed!”
Chloe “Why did the children eat their homework?- because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!”
Cameron “Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the shops! Do you think that is funny? No? Neither did the chicken the shop was closed!”
Lilia “Knock, Knock, Who’s there?, Boo, Boo who? Don’t cry!”
Amhlaidh “Where do you go in a Zombie attack? The LIVING room!”
Chloe K-L “Knock Knock, Who’s there? Red, Red who?, Red Nose!”
Molly “I lost my cat, I found my cat, he didn’t know me! I said it’s Me! he scratched me! Me- OW!”
Jakson “What do you call a fish with no eyes? FSHHHHHH”
Faith “What is black and white and black and white and black and white? A Panda rolling down a hill!”
Rosie “Knock knock, Who’s there? Doctor, Doctor Who? You just said it!”
Ella “I started walking across the street, someone else started walking across. The person had a milk carton in their hand. They threw the milk carton at me and I said, how DAIRY!”
Simar “Knock knock, who’s there, lettuce, lettuce who? Lettuce in!”
Ellie- Mae “Knock knock, who’s there, chill, chill who? I chill like you!”
Ben “Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! How did the cat cross the road? It was attached to the chicken!”

P4/3 8.3.21

This week we used our research on Boudicca to write a description.  We had to think about her characteristics, who she was and what she did.  We also had to give a reason for our opinion of her.

We had fun reading about Star Wars and then using different question words to create our own questions about the passage.

We have also been learning about homophones and using the correct spelling of two, to & too in sentences.

In Maths this week we have been learning about co-ordinates. We learned how to find animals / colours on a grid and write the co-ordinates using brackets and a comma. We then had to draw our own island and give directions using co-ordinates to find the treasure.

In Health this week we learned about food from different countries.

This week we have been comparing different community and then created our own community and added services to it.

Primary 2/1 – This week’s learning from 1st March

Dear Primary 2/1,

Thank you for a great week of listening and hard work.  You are all very much enjoying being back and enjoying your familiar space in the classroom and seeing all of your friends.

In Literacy this week, the Primary 1s have been working hard on learning their digraphs  sounds – oo, ee, ie .

Primary 2s have been learning more about what makes a sentence a question and in writing they used their success critieria list to help them write the perfect questions for Willie Wonka.

In Numeracy, Primary 1s completed more work on subtraction and were also introduced to Fractions; learning about a ‘whole’ and a ‘half’ and what makes a ‘half’ (it has to be exactly the same size as the other half’).

Primary 2s did more learning on missing subtrahends, addends and number sequencing.

On Thursday we had World Book Day activities and the children very much enjoyed listening to stories being read to them by P7 pupils via Teams.  P2/1 also watched a video about a Book Cover Designer and they learned lots about what he does.  P2/1 enjoyed completing his task of designing their own Book Cover and the book was to be about them.  They also enjoyed making their own mini-book from paper and completing a front cover, mini-story and illustrations.

Primary 2/1 are very much enjoying their Topic – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  They are also enjoying learning about Plants in Science and learning some Bible Stories in RME with links into Technology.

Thank you for sending in photos of your favourite book.

Have a great weekend, Primary 2/1.

Mrs Meikle



This week in P3B!

It’s so good to be back P3B! You are all enjoying being in  school  again and playing with your friends.

This week we have been working hard on our 3 and 4 times tables. We love to use  animated clips or videos to help us skip count in 3s and 4s. We are learning how to work out multiplication word problems and we wrote the 4 times table in the playground using chalk.

We  have used word boost this week to help us  learn new words and understand what they mean.

We started our Ancient Egypt topic and we wrote down what we know already. Most of us know they have pyramids there but we are not sure why. As a class we came up with three big questions that we want to find the answers to.

In Science we have been experimenting with magnets which was good fun!

On Thursday we had a great World Book Day. We looked at the books in our school library and we are trying to find out what the best book in the world is. We also found out about working in publishing. The jobs of editor and illustrator sound really interesting.

We love lots of different books. What is your favourite book?

P4/3 Remote Learning 1.3.21

This week we have been continuing to learn to write a discussion text.  This week we wrote a text about ‘Should animals be allowed in schools?’ We planned our work by writing key words under the headings ‘for’ and ‘against’ and then used these notes to write our full discussion text.  We have also been learning about homophones and using the correct spelling of two, to & too in sentences.

In Maths this week we have been learning about giving directions. We drew our own compass and used its points to describe journeys.

In Health this week we learned about relationships and how important they are.

This week we have been looking at our community and what amenities it provides.  We drew maps of the natural areas too.

This week also contained World Book Day when we took part in a game of Bingo activities to do with reading.  One of them was to take a picture of ourselves reading in our favourite place.

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