Maths Competition Winners

For National Numeracy Day, we held a whole school Art Competition which had to have Maths within it. The children had choice over how they wanted to create their artwork. Here are our winners:-

P3a – Annabelle

P3B – Hudson

P4 – Jawad

P5/4 – Harry

P5 – Freya

P6/5 – Evie

P6 – Evan

P7 – Ellie and Sophie S

A massive well done to all of our winners – you did a fantastic job! Well done to all of the children who took part.

Miss Baldacci (Principal Teacher).

P3B Creativity

As we get nearer to the end of term we have discussed all the things we would like to do together before our time in Primary 3 is over. Drawing. painting and making models were high on our wish list. So on Tuesday this week we had a very creative time during our Art and craft afternoon.

We enjoyed making a variety of things including bunting for Gala Week!

Problem solving in P6

Today, P6 were given a length of string and a piece of chalk, they were then asked to figure out how to draw a perfect circle. Have a look at what they came up with!

We discovered the relationship between the radius and diameter, whilst having some fun outdoors at the same time.

P2/1 Learning this week

Primary 2/1 have been working hard this week.

We have taken a small break from our Romans topic and introduced a mini-topic about Pandas in response to questions the children had about the Red Pandas coming to the Five Sisters Zoo.  The children were very interested to learn that Red Pandas and Giant Pandas are not related and this made them more curious.  We made a list of what questions the children had about Pandas and then decided to watch factual videos to find our answers then make a Fact File about them.  The children also enjoyed following an artist to learn how to draw Giant Pandas.  So far we have been learning lots about Giant Pandas.

In numeracy Primary 2s are learning about money and Primary 1s are having more practise with addition.

In literacy Primary 1s are making great progress in their reading and our Primary 2s are learning about reading with fluency and expression as well as comprehension techniques.

At the start of the day before Register, the children have also enjoyed finishing off our Roman Colosseum display picture by adding Romans, gladiators and wild animals in the arena.

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend,

Mrs Meikle

This week in P4!

This week in P4 we have taken part in lots of different numeracy activities as part of National Numeracy Day on Wednesday. We watched videos of people explaining how they use numbers and maths in their job. We used our maths skills to complete a maths trail in the playground and we made some art using maths as well. It was a bit tricky to start with but we kept going and enjoyed it! We have continued to look at writing explanation texts and have looked in detail at fact and opinion this week. We have also continued looking at lessons where we use our learner agency and choose how we will share our learning.

Colin or Cuthbert? Expositions- P6

We have certainly been on a journey in P6 and the question that started it all…who is in the right, Colin on Cuthbert? We used a topical news story about one supermarket suing another supermarket to explore our spoken and written expositions – starting with some fact finding, moving onto debates and then progressing to some persuasive writing. Some pupils challenged themselves and applied their learning to digital platforms.

This week in P4!

This week has been super busy with lots going on in P4.  We have been working on our new genre of writing and learning about Explanation Texts.  We have worked on division and angles this week and enjoyed learning something new in division.  We have continued to find out about how land is used around the country and what this might have looked like in older settlements.  We learned about the NSPCC and discussed how important it is to have a trusted adult to speak to if we are worried about something.  We took part in some class presentations on what job we would like to have when we grow up and they were amazing! We had class talks, PowerPoint presentations and even some videos, great job P4!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Cameron

P2/1 Learning this week

Primary 2/1, it was a short week of learning but we still managed to learn lots of new things.

Primary 1s, we worked on our numbers 11-20 and we used our cubes and paired up with a partner to use lots of fingers to show different ways of making the numbers 12 and 13.  We enjoy our learning from the board that gives us lots of active learning tasks to practise our understanding and we enjoy our Numberblock videos and our discussions about where we see Numbers outside of the school (shops, buses, doors and registration plates).  In Literacy we moved onto a new reading book and practised that alongside our longer sentences from the board.  Primary 1s also carried out Class Talks this week on ‘My Favourite Animal’.  The whole class had to remember our rules about a quality audience and when presenting you had to remember to talk in a loud, clear voice whilst making good eye contact with your audience.  I was so impressed with the amount of facts you could remember and how well you answered  the three questions at the end.  Well done, Primary 1s.

Primary 2s, we progressed in our learning of the time; quarter to/past the hour and you applied this new learning to your airport/train station theme (where you are applying learning ownership).  In writing you practised more of the new phonics from last week (st, ft and mp) and you made some beautiful pyramid writing to learn your spelling words.  Primary 2s also carried out some beautiful handwriting whilst learning the spelling of words commonly used.

In our Romans topic we learned about the Roman Army and Forts.  We learned all about what they would need to survive in the fort long-term and then we created our own versions of these using card and coloured pens.  We had a lot of good discussion on why the Romans used metal in their armour and what the Roman Empire entailed (invasion of countries).  We also enjoyed a new Roman mythical story about the Goddess Juno and the Golden Chair.  Primary 2/1 are thoroughly enjoying these mythical stories and we will soon transform one of our corridor walls into a storyboard of these myths.

In French we practised our weather question ‘Quel temps fait-il?’  What’s the weather like?  We practised our answers Il fait beau, Il fait froid, Il fait gris, Il pleut and Il neige.  (It’s nice, it’s cold, it’s cloudy, it’s raining and it’s snowing).  We also reminded ourselves of our commands.  It was fun doing the actions fast for these!

Have a great weekend,

Best wishes

Mrs Meikle

P2/1 Learning This Week

Primary 2/1 – you have worked hard this week!

In Language, Primary 1 are practising their reading, writing and handwriting each week now.  The children are learning to read longer sentences using their phonics to sound out cvc and ccvc words.  Some children are also blending and reading much longer words using their phonics knowledge.  In writing we are working hard on thinking about all of the sounds in a word as we write it down.

In Language, Primary 2 practised Instructional Writing for the second time – this time we ‘walked through’ ‘How To Make A Jam Sandwich’.  The Primary 2s were very wise this week and remembered the rules from last week’s handwashing instructional writing.  Primary 2s were also practising spelling with their new phonic sounds – st, ft and mp (e.g. first, lift and bump).  They enjoyed learning to use a dictionary to look up some words as part of their Clarifying lesson in Comprehension.

In Numeracy, Primary 1 did more work on learning numbers 11-20 and Primary 2s learned their half-past times on digital.  The Primary 2s were also given some learner agency in this area and they enhanced a Time Traveller mini-whiteboard game that was introduced in the class earlier in the week.  The children went on to developing it further into an airport and train station context and one pupil created a detailed map of a train station and airport including clocks placed within it.  Some rich dialogue around time could be heard during this game.

In our Romans topic the whole class loved the Romulus and Remus mythical story about the alleged Founders of Rome who were raised by a she-wolf when they were babies.  The children made their own stick puppets and re-enacted the story through puppet drama.

In French we learned the weather and used weather sticks to interact with one another whilst asking ‘What’s the weather like?’ and to answer these : It’s a lovely day; It’s raining; It’s cloudy; It’s snowing; It’s cold.  The children also very much love when Tidot, our French mascot, visits the lesson.

In Word Boost, where we introduce four WOW words in a weekly story, the children very much loved dramatising this at the end of the week.  They were excellent at remembering their speaking parts and also used great listening skills whilst others were talking.

I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend, Primary 2/1.

Primary 1s, I look forward to hearing your class talks on your favourite animals next Tuesday.

Best wishes,

Mrs Meikle





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