This week we have been learning about the well-being indicators Safe, Healthy, Active and Nurture. We discussed how we feel in different situations. We thought about how we know we are nurtured and how we are all unique. We designed back packs to show how we all look different and all like different things.
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Learning in P2/1
This week P2/1 have been learning about the school rules. We wrote the words and drew pictures to show how we are Ready, Safe and show Respect. Some of us presented our learning at the school assembly. 😁
‘We are ready when we sit still’ Belle.
‘We are safe when we walk in the corridor’ Jay.
‘We show respect when we look after the toys in the classroom’ Eli.
We listened to the story of The Rainbow Fish. It’s all about friendship and sharing. We linked our story to our class charter and made our display with our own fantastic Rainbow Fish.
First Aid Training
Our fantastic Pupil Supports workers along with myself took part in a refresher emergency first aid course to ensure we can continue providing the best care for all of our children!
A big thank you to Crown Safety for educating us all further with important life skills. Adults learn too 🙂
Alison Baldacci (Principal Teacher)
Welcome to P2/1!
We’ve had a great week in P2/1. The boys and girls have had lots of fun in their new classroom and are settling well into the school routines after summer.
We had a chat about our favourite parts of the week.
‘I liked playing with the puppets.’ Emily G
‘My favourite part was the reading corner. I liked reading The Bug Collector.’ Abby
‘I liked the car park.’ Harris
‘I like the construction area.’ Harrison
We had a great time with Mr Millar during our PE lesson too. Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.
Primary 7A Place Value
What a week we have had in P7A! It has been lovely to get to know each other and get stuck into our learning. The pupils have contributed great ideas and input this week, helping to plan how we will meet our learning outcomes for the term. Here are some videos and photographs from our numeracy lessons; recapping on, and having some fun with place value.
East Calder Transition 22/23 – Social Stories
Hi to all parents and carers. We look forward to continuing to work with you in the new session. Please find Social Stories for each class which can be viewed at any time over summer to support your child/children as they begin their new class in August.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to get in touch,
Miss Baldacci (Principal Teacher).
Congratulations Everyone! We did it!
Huge Congratulations everyone!
I am delighted to announce that East Calder Primary has been awarded a Silver Reading Schools Award from the Scottish Book Trust.
Thank you to all staff, pupils and families who have been reading, talking about books, enjoying libraries and sharing their love of books and reading with others.
Classes completed the Reading Schools Attitude Survey and it was great to see many of you enjoy reading more now. You said you have more interesting things to read and describe reading as relaxing and fun.
Thank you for your involvement and enthusiasm, and a special mention to those who find reading a bit tricky but keep trying.
Now that we have an award it’s important to continue to build on our Reading culture at East Calder Primary. There will be lots of opportunities to carry on sharing our enjoyment of reading and books next session.
I am so proud of you all and remember KEEP READING!
P5/4 Achievements Outside of School
I am very proud of these pupils for their fantastic achievements outside of school. One pupil got these trophies for her amazing racing which we enjoy hearing about each week. She got 5 1st places at Ireland. The next pupil got this wonderful medal for his martial arts competition – a massive well done!
Miss Baldacci
P6 Gala Success
It’s the final day of out Really BIG READ ALOUD…and today to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee… it’s the really BIG ROYAL READ ALOUD!
We have been sharing all sorts of books and stories with a Royal theme.
Younger pupils have been enjoying ‘The Princess and the Pea’, ‘The Laughing princess’ and ‘The Twelve Dancing Princesses’.
The Primary One pupils took part in a paired read aloud. They had to find a reading partner with the same colour of crown.
If you want to find out more about kings and queens, we have some non- fiction books about royalty in our library.
We have a copy of King George V Silver Jubilee book in our library.
King George V was the Queen’s grandfather and this book was published in 1935(about the time our school was being built!) to celebrate his Silver Jubilee. It’s not in very good condition but it is 87 years old!!
It has some interesting photographs including ones of the Queen when she was a girl.
Perhaps you have some old books at home? Can you find out when they were published?
Have a great Jubilee weekend and remember to keep reading!