Sky Up Studios- P7A

We had an incredible time today at The Sky Up Studios. We worked on our script writing skills before attending and it definitely paid off. In our studio groups, we had assigned job roles and everyone worked well as a team. The Sky staff reminded us of the skills we were developing throughout the process, it was a great learning experience for everyone involved.

Have a look at some of the ‘behind the scenes’ photographs.

P3a – Fractions on a Number Line

Today we came into class to several pieces of tape on the floor. We tried to think why they were there. Mrs Spence helped by placing a 0 at one end and a 1 at the other. As a class we worked out that they were number lines. Mrs Spence then put a blank piece of card right in the middle between the 0 & 1 and asked us what would go there? We then had to write the answer on the card. It was 1/2. We then put another piece of card in the middle between the 0 and 1/2. We worked out this would be 1/4. Then we put another piece between the 1/2 & 1 and worked out it needed to be 3/4. We then extended the line to 2 and had to work out what fractions went where. Then we split into groups and tried to complete the task. Some of us managed to work in 1/2’s from 0 to 5!

Learning in P2/1

We have been experimenting with our new loom frames in class. We like to choose the colours and textures of each thread. It’s great for our fine motor skills too.

We’ve been learning about the Coronation and have been listening to facts read by our Reading Buddies. We made coronation bookmarks.

We were also using our creative skills to make fantastic crowns fit for a king!

Continue reading “Learning in P2/1”

P3a Number Talks

This week we have been working on counting back from 100.  We had to share our strategy with the rest of the class.  We then used the strategy to work out lots of different equations.  Next we tried using the same strategy when the number was lower than 100.  We worked out that the same strategy worked.  Lots of problem solving this week!!

Red Nose Day 2023

We raised a fantastic total of £315.13 for Red Nose Day on 17th March.

A huge thank you to everyone for your generous donations and for taking part so enthusiastically in ‘wearing red from toes to head’!

Thank you also to the Primary 5 pupils who helped raise awareness of the event around the school, great job!

Mrs Campbell & Primary 5

P7 Raffle!

Our Primary 7 pupils have been busy! They used their persuasive writing skills to contact businesses to help fundraise for our leavers’ hoodies. We were overwhelmed with the response, please have a look through some of the incredible prizes. Pupils will be selling raffle tickets from tomorrow (18th April) in school, they are £2.50 a strip. Good luck and thank you for the support.


Numeracy and Maths in P2

This week we have been looking at all the resources we have and reminding ourselves how we can use these in our learning.

P2 numeracy
I made a rocket!
Numeracy p2
Sorting the numicon into odd and even numbers.
P2 numeracy
Identifying the Numicon by feeling, not looking!
P2 numeracy
I started with a Numicon shape in the middle and filled the board around it.
I started making patterns to fill the board two lines at a time.
P2 maths
Using bands and pegboards, we made pictures and patterns.
P2 maths
Experimenting with lines and shapes.
P2 maths
Experimenting with shape and pattern.
Area p2
Calculating the area of a shape.
Numicon p2
Using Numicon to help with number bonds

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