PE Home Learning – 15th of June

Happy Monday everyone! Here is your PE grid for this week – I am enjoying seeing pictures and videos of your learning so don’t forget to share these with me.

ECPS PE Grid P1 – P4 15.06 – 19.06

ECPS PE Grid P5 – P7 15.06 – 19.06

Fingers crossed for some sunshine this week. Check out below for an extra challenge!

Mr. Millar

Home Learning Primary 7S and Primary 7/6L

Monday 15th June- Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a nice weekend. Here is your Home Learning grid and resources for this week. This week we will be holding our ECPS Digital Careers Fayre. You will find a link to our SWAY presentation on the grid. Many parents, family members and friends have supported this event to share with you some information about their jobs. Please take time to watch the videos and complete the 4 activities. Any questions about any of the grid tasks for this week please ask and try to share your learning on Teams if possible.

Mrs Stewart and Mrs Lewis

Home Learning Grid 15.06.2020

P7 Profile


Home Learning Grid P3/2C and P3R

Hi everyone,

Hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Please find attached below this week’s home learning grid and resources.

Home Learning grid 15th June

‘ight’ spelling worksheet

KWL grid for reading

Mrs Robertson and I look forward to seeing more of your home learning this week. You are all doing such a wonderful job!

Take care,

Miss Cameron and Mrs Robertson

Home learning in P3/2C

Good morning P3/2C,

Hope you and your families are doing well this week and you have been able to enjoy completing some of your home learning grid activities.

Thank you for sending in more of your home learning this week. It is always great to see what you have been learning about at home. Some of the photos of your illustrations of JK Rowling’s new story ‘The Ickabog’ have been wonderfully imaginative.

Here are just some of the examples of home learning that have come in:


Have a lovely weekend and take care of yourselves,

Miss Cameron

PE Home Learning 08.06.20

Good morning everyone,

Well done again for all your hard work during Health Week and congratulations to Langton!

This week’s PE is in a grid with some new games that you can play, a throwing and catching development challenge grid and ideas for different ways to remain active!

ECPS PE Grid P1 – P4 08.06 – 12.06

ECPS PE Grid P5 – P7 08.06 – 12.06

Please continue to share your learning with me.

Mr. Millar

Home Learning Primary 7/6L and P7S- 08.06.2020

Good morning everyone. Hope you had a lovely weekend. Congratulations to all who participated in Sports Day last week and to those who shared some excellent Health Week activities. This week we are returning to our usual Home Learning Grid. If you need support with any of the activities this week, please ask your teacher on your class Team. Try to keep in touch on Teams and let us know how you are getting on.

Mrs Lewis and Mrs Stewart


Home Learning Grid 08.06.2020 Primary 76L and Primary 7S

thinkuknow-online safety

P3R/ P3/2C Home Learning grid 8th June

Good morning P3R/ P3/2C,

We hope you have all had a great weekend!

Here is the learning grid for this week 8th June.

Home Learning grid 8th June

You can ask an adult to help with estimating litres.

Estimating litres

This is East Calder Gala week so we have included an activity for you to dress up , run races or make some bunting to hang up. We hope you have fun and enjoy some time with your family.

Keep up the good work and remember we love to see photos of what you are all doing at home.

Mrs Robertson and Miss Cameron.


Health and Sports Day

To all East Calder pupils,

You have been incredible during Health Week. Together you ran 255km, took part in a wide range of activities and scored a combined 35577 points at Sports Day! It was so nice to receive so many emails, photos and videos of your Health Week learning.

You are all fantastic. I am a very lucky and proud PE teacher!

Mr. Millar

Home Learning in P3/2C

Good morning P3/2C,

Hope you and your families are doing well this week and you have been able to take part in and enjoy the health week activities. I know a lot of you joined in the Virtual Sports Day so well done and you earned points for your school house.

Thank you for sending in more of your home learning this week. It is always great to see what you have been learning about at home.

Here are just some of the examples of home learning that have come in:

I look forward to seeing more of your home learning soon.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Cameron

Sports Day Results 2020

Just to confirm Langton scored 8905 points not 8898. Well done Langton!
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