Brilliant home learning in P3/2C

Good afternoon P3/2C,

Hope you and your families are staying safe and well and you are able to get outside for some exercise or just some fresh air.

It has been great to see more of your home learning this week and I am really enjoying seeing what you have been up to. Here are just some of the examples of home learning that have come in:


  • There is a West Lothian Schools Sumdog competition which starts today, Friday 15th May, which all pupils are entered in. There are also a variety of games to play on this website including spelling and reading games which are available during the school closures.

I look forward to seeing more of your home learning very soon.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Cameron

The Great Science Share – Week 2

How did you get on last week? Did you get a chance to listen to and identify the birds around you?

I’ve been trying to talk to the wood pigeon that sits on my roof – coo – COO – coo – coo – coo – coo, (yes I think being at home is making me slightly coo – coo.)

This week we are celebrating the 200th birthday of The Royal Astronomical Society which should inspire you to think about space, the universe, stars and planets.  What are the questions you want to investigate this week?

How is a meteorite formed?

Will we ever be able to live on other planets?

What would a world without gravity be like?

What did the Hubble Space Telescope see on your birthday?

Can you make a rocket at home?

Is there something else you would like to investigate or make?


Share your investigations with me on your Teams page or email them into school. You can write, draw, take pictures of what you have done, make a poster, anything you like.

Have a look on The Great Science Share website if you’d like some other ideas and resources:

Have fun stargazers!

Mrs Beattie

Amazing home learning P3/2C

Hi P3/2C,

I hope you are staying safe and well.

Thank you for all of your wonderful home learning that you have sent me. I have been so impressed with all your effort and am excited to see what you send me next. Here are just a few examples.


  • There is a national Sumdog competition which starts today and runs through until next Thursday.
  • Big Cat Readers is a great resource with different levels of reading books for you to try with comprehension activities. You will find more details on the blog and on home learning grids.

If there is anything I can do to help, please get in touch by sending an email through the school office with the attention of the class teacher.

Have a lovely weekend,

Take care,

Miss Cameron

The Great Science Share – Week 1

Good Morning everyone!

This term we are going to take part in The Great Science Share for Schools which will hopefully inspire you to think about and talk about science. Each week there will be a new theme to focus on with investigations for you to get involved in, as well as a ‘Question Maker’ to help you think of creative ways to ask great questions. You can print this off or just create your own!

You can then share your scientific questions and investigations with me either through your class Teams page, or by emailing your completed investigation into school. You can create a poster, write about it, draw it, take photos, or anything else you want to do to share your findings.

The theme this week is ‘International Dawn Chorus Day’ where you are encouraged to get up early and listen to the birds singing in the morning. I’ve certainly heard and spotted many more birds around than normal! I also managed to make a homemade bird feeder out of a recycled plastic bottle which you could also try (although my one was quickly destroyed by a squirrel).

You can think about what time of day do you see the most birds? What types of birds can you see near you? Can you identify any the birds you see or hear? Can you see and hear different birds on a walk than you do at home?

Below is a link to the Great Science Share page which gives you some ideas for your investigation (You also get a sneak peek at the themes for the coming weeks ahead – ssshhh)

Have fun bird spotters!

Mrs Beattie

Attention Stargazers!

A couple of exciting things for you to get out and see over the next few nights:
Tonight Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite ‘train’ will be passing over head from South West to East at 9:58pm (just in case you are still awake at this time).
You can find the exact times here –;3
I’ve not seen them before so I’m very much looking forward to this! You should be able to see them without the need for a telescope or binoculars.
This week you can also see the Lyrid meteor shower which happens around this time every year. It is set to peak tomorrow (Tuesday) night, and if you are lucky you could see between 10-15 meteors an hour!
It’s always a good idea to go outside at least 15 minutes beforehand to allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness and give yourself the best chance of spotting something. Make sure you wrap up warm (I like to take a nice hot chocolate out with me too)
I’m looking forward to hearing all of your stargazing finds!
Fingers crossed for a clear night!
Have fun!
Mrs Beattie 💫

P3/2C and P3R Home Learning Grid

Good morning everyone,

Hope you have had a restful Easter break.

Mrs Robertson and I have uploaded the new Home Learning Grid for this week below along with the materials you may need.

BBC daily bitesize are creating 3 daily lessons if you are looking for something a little different to try as well. You can choose the year group you are looking for on the web page. We have used one of this week’s activities from the lessons on the website for you to try out.

Home Learning 3 20th April



Enjoy the new activities and we hope you and your family are staying safe.

Miss Cameron and Mrs Robertson

Happy Easter P3/2C and P3R

Good afternoon P3R and P3/2C,

Hope you and your families are staying safe and well and you are able to get outside for your daily walk or just some fresh air.  We hope you have been able to access some of the home learning activities and enjoyed completing them. We would love for you to keep up with reading a variety of different books over the Easter break.

A few reminders of websites you can access for over the Easter holidays if you wish to:

  • Sumdog, which is available and there is a competition which starts today, Friday 3rd April, which all pupils are entered in. There are also a variety of games to play on this website including spelling and reading games which are available during the school closures.
  • Remember for a variety of games on different subject areas there is also Topmarks –
  • The Scottish Book Trust has lots of great resources to use with any reading book.
  • Also if you click on you can access free books through Amazon for a variety of age groups.
  • Another great link for reading is also
  • If you like books and reading try –

We will be uploading another home learning grid on to the school blog after the Easter break.

Have a lovely Easter holiday and enjoy spending time with your family.


Miss Cameron (joining in with Sumdog) and Mrs Robertson (joining in with Joe Wicks PE this morning)

P7S Visit to Sky Academy

Lights,Camera,Action!  P7S  were fortunate enough to visit Sky Academy this morning to produce their own News Report on Cyberbullying. Each group were assigned their own studio and roles. From Directors, Producers and Editors to Camera Operatives, Presenters and Reporters. Having previously worked on their brief in school the class were ready to prepare and film their report. It was great to see such amazing teamwork at work and the final cut was both informative and entertaining. Well done P7S!


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