This week in P2

It has been a very busy couple of weeks in P2 with lots of activities going on. We have been looking at division through sharing using playdoh to help us. We have had a visit from an author to read some of his books to us as well. We started looking at measuring and measured the elves using a ruler and then put them into height order. We have also been learning how to say a festive phrase in different languages as well.  We all very much enjoyed our Christmas party and had lots of fun and snacks.We hope you all have a lovely holiday and we will see you again in January.

This week in P2

This week in P2 we began looking at division using sharing to help us. We used play-doh to show how to share equally. We have been discussing the skills we use in our lessons and thinking about where else we might use these. We really enjoy our handwriting lessons each week and use Ruby our noise dragon to help us focus on our learning. We have also been learning how to say Merry Christmas in a different language each day looking at the languages that people in our school speak. Lots to look forward to over the next couple of weeks!

This week in P2

This week in P2 we have been practising making arrays to help us with multiplication. We drew on our tables to help us spread out our dots carefully. We have also been working on our word boost words this week. We read a story and choose 5 key words which we practise throughout the week. We have also been practising our French numbers to 20 using songs and rhymes to help us.

This week in P2

This week we began looking at arrays in multiplication and using them to help count in groups. We made arrays out of play doh to show how to make them. We had a visit from P6 to talk to us about road safety this week as well and we designed posters to show why road safety is so important. We are continuing to learn how to write information reports in literacy with the support of Mrs Robertson. We began our new topic looking at space and thinking about what we wanted to learn about.  We have lots to look forward to over the next few weeks.

This week in P2

This week has been an amazing week in P2. We have taken part in lots of book week activities such as Drop Everything And Read time, making book covers and bookmarks, creating finger puppets, having a secret reader in our class, watching a live reading session with Julia Donaldson and James Robertson (who translates Julia Donaldsons’ books into Scots language) and also receiving our new Bookbug reading bags.
We were also very lucky to be joined by our family and friends this week for our sharing the learning afternoon where we joined in with lots of other reading activities. Then we also had the chance to visit the book fair this week and read lots of books. It has been a super busy week but it has been brilliant!

This week in P2

This week has been busy finishing off our climate posters and working in groups to display the correct animals that live in those climates. We have started to look at counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and are discussing how this links to multiplication. We enjoy working on Sumdog in class as part of our maths lessons as well. We have also started a new genre of writing this week and we have been learning about information reports.  We are very much looking forward to Book Week next week and can’t wait for all of the activities.

This week in P2

This week has been very busy in P2. We have been making 3D shapes out of lollipop sticks and play doh to create shapes. We have also been looking at subtraction skills and using loop cards to practise this. We began our group projects in our topic work and each group is looking at a different climate zone and thinking about the animals that live there. We are hoping to finish these in time four our Sharing the Learning afternoon in a couple of weeks. We have also discussed Bonfire safety this week and created posters to show how to be safe and have fun on the 5th November.

This week in P2

Another very busy week in P2. This week we are finishing off our addition and subtraction learning and we are beginning to look at multiplication. We have been using loop cards working in partners to solve problems in maths. We looked at shapes in the real world and discussed what they might be. We enjoy our daily number talk as it promotes a lot of discussion. We have also been doing a lot of Sumdog in class as part of maths lessons and using our QR codes to choose a maths game to practise.
We have had fun creating our own pointillism pumpkins this week as well and learning about this style of art.

This week in P2

It has been great to be back after the October holiday. We have been continuing to look at writing descriptions and working on addition and subtraction in numeracy.We have used our numeracy skills  through play opportunities as well to support our learning.  We are continuing to look at animals and different climate zones for our topic and learning about habitats. 

This week in P2 (Maths Week Scotland)

This week has been especially busy with it being Maths Week Scotland. We did some extra numeracy and maths activities to support this. We focused on shape and  did a shape hunt with a partner.  We  looked  at  tessellation using shapes and created our  own patterns.  We thought about shapes  through  our  number  talks  in class and  came  up with great ideas.  We are still working on descriptions in writing and working on our sounds to help our reading.  We are loving our topic of ‘Animals around the world’  where we are looking at habitats.

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