P4/3 8.3.21

This week we used our research on Boudicca to write a description.  We had to think about her characteristics, who she was and what she did.  We also had to give a reason for our opinion of her.

We had fun reading about Star Wars and then using different question words to create our own questions about the passage.

We have also been learning about homophones and using the correct spelling of two, to & too in sentences.

In Maths this week we have been learning about co-ordinates. We learned how to find animals / colours on a grid and write the co-ordinates using brackets and a comma. We then had to draw our own island and give directions using co-ordinates to find the treasure.

In Health this week we learned about food from different countries.

This week we have been comparing different community and then created our own community and added services to it.

P4/3 Remote Learning 1.3.21

This week we have been continuing to learn to write a discussion text.  This week we wrote a text about ‘Should animals be allowed in schools?’ We planned our work by writing key words under the headings ‘for’ and ‘against’ and then used these notes to write our full discussion text.  We have also been learning about homophones and using the correct spelling of two, to & too in sentences.

In Maths this week we have been learning about giving directions. We drew our own compass and used its points to describe journeys.

In Health this week we learned about relationships and how important they are.

This week we have been looking at our community and what amenities it provides.  We drew maps of the natural areas too.

This week also contained World Book Day when we took part in a game of Bingo activities to do with reading.  One of them was to take a picture of ourselves reading in our favourite place.

P4/3 Remote Learning

This week we have been continuing to learn to write a discussion text.  This week we wrote a text about ‘Should animals be kept in zoos?’ We planned our work by writing key words under the headings ‘for’ and ‘against’ and then used these notes to write our full discussion text.  We have also been learning about homophones and using the correct spelling of there, their and they’re in sentences.  We have been learning to predict what might happen next in a passage.

In Maths this week we have been learning about measure by using our feet and hand spans to work out the length of different things.  We have also worked on capacity and weight.

In Health this week we were learning about responsibility and our abilities.

This week we have been researching who Boudicca was and why she was important to the Celts.



P4/3 Remote Learning

This week we have been continuing to learn to write a discussion text.  We wrote a text about ‘Should children wear uniform to school?’.  We planned our work by writing key words under the headings ‘for’ and ‘against’ before writing it.  We have also learned more about how to understand text by writing a summary.

We have worked on Numeracy by extending our knowledge of family sums and column addition.  Some more of us moved on to multiplication.

In Health this week we were learning about friendship and how to be a good friend.

This week we have been extending our knowledge of the Celts by researching tribes and warriors.  We researched and drew Celtic shields.

P4/3 Remote Learning wk 1.2.21

This week we have been learning to write a discussion text.  We have worked on the passage, learned about the different part required and found the nouns & connectives.  We have also learned more about how to understand text by clarifying what the words mean.

We have worked on Numeracy by extending our knowledge of family sums and column addition.  Some of us moved on to multiplication.

In Health this week we we learning about food choices and how should respect the opinions of others and their choices even if they differ from ours.

This week we have been extending our know ledge of the Celts by researching their jobs, food, clothes and jewellery.  Here are some pictures we drew of their jewellery.

P4/3 Remote Learning

This week we have been doing lots of learning.

In Literacy we have been working on our spelling using ‘th’, we created questions about a text titled ‘Great women who made history’.   We watched an author’s live with Andy Stanton and used his character Mr Gum to create ideas for our own story.  We then used a different story starter to write our own imaginary story.

In Numeracy continuing our work on 2D & 3D shapes and their properties.  We then worked on trying to tile different shapes and looked at symmetry.

In Health this week we looked at safety.  We thought about different ways to keep ourselves safe in our houses, outdoors and in our community.

We also started our new topic of The Celts. We researched when and where they lived and what their houses looked like.

P4/3 Remote Learning

We have been learning lots over the past fortnight.

In Literacy we have written descriptions, imaginary stories and worked on our reading comprehension in lots of different ways.

In Numeracy we have been practicing our hardest tables and taking part in Sumdog challenges.  In Maths we have been learning about 2D & 3D shapes, developing our knowledge of Time and working on Fractions.

In Health we have looked at healthy foods and created an Eatwell Plate, thought about what happens to our body when we exercise, created goals for this year and thought about our achievements and how we feel when we achieve something new.

We have also told stories, drawn turtles, learned about animal habitats and found out about snowflakes.

Wow what a busy fortnight we have had!


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