P3 Art

We have been learning about Artists called Miro and Mondrian.  We talked about the shapes they made and colours they used.  We then created our own picture in their style.  Some of us even tried to draw animals using the same idea.  We then talked about what we thought about their artwork.  Most of us preferred Miro, especially if we were creating our own, as his lines are wiggly so easier to draw than Mondrian’s straight lines.  We then took our learning outdoors and created chalk drawings in their styles.

P3 Magnet Work

The pupils were given magnets to explore and see what they could find out. First they found items in the class which the magnets would stick to and some that it didn’t. Then they worked in bases to experiment with the magnets. Some used them to make cars move while others found that they could move a magnet by putting one on the desk and moving it about with another under the desk. Others used the big horseshoe magnet to see how many paperclips they could pick up.

Direction work in P3

We have been learning about directional language and using it to lead a partner on a short journey. We did this in the classroom and then took our learning outside.

Then we moved onto learning about the 4 points of a compass. We made our own compass and marked on the points. Some of us could even name 8 points of a compass.

We took this learning outside too and even have a task for homework to give directions for a short journey for an adult to follow.


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