Direction work in P3

We have been learning about directional language and using it to lead a partner on a short journey. We did this in the classroom and then took our learning outside.

Then we moved onto learning about the 4 points of a compass. We made our own compass and marked on the points. Some of us could even name 8 points of a compass.

We took this learning outside too and even have a task for homework to give directions for a short journey for an adult to follow.


P3 Book Week

We had lots of fun activities to help in our learning this week.  We received new books for our class library and have been reading them each day when the bell rang to tell us to ‘Drop everything & read’.  We were read some new stories and created a big display with our ideas from the book Octopus Shocktopus.  We used an idea from the book to design and label our perfect house.  We took part in ‘design a book mark’ competition. We learned about exclamation marks and found some in books in the class. We listened to David Williams & Julia Donaldson on Author’s Live.  We took our books to the playground to read during Outdoor Learning.  We found verbs in our reading books, completed some Readingwise and Giglets tasks and we each received our ‘Read, Write, Count’ bags containing two new books and lots of other surprises.

P3 Learning

On Wednesday a surprise arrived in our classroom. It was a box and it had a label that said, “To P3a, don’t open until Friday.”

We were very excited an wrote a list of what might be in the box.

On Friday we finally got to open the box.

It contained… pine cones!!!!

We all had a look and wrote down what we might like to learn about them.

Let the learning begin!!!



Primary 3

This week in Maths the class were asked,

‘How can we show we know how to use money?’

They discussed in groups and came up with ideas like helping parents pay for a pint of milk or a small snack with coins at a shop but I reminded them that they were in a classroom.  Some other ideas were spoken about and then they thought that they could create a shop and they set about making labels with products and prices on them. Once they had made some the shopping began with them taking turns being the shopkeeper and customers who had to make sure to pay with coins.  This then advanced to some giving change.  The ideas then developed further and one group even create a VIP card for their shop.
Amazing learning and all child led.

Primary 3

This week we have been learning about money. We looked at the different coins. Some people decided to order them depending on their value. Next we were given an amount of a toy and had to give our partner the coins we could use to pay. We started off with numbers to 20p but soon moved up to 50p. Some even managed up to 99p! Then we went into the playground and wrote in chalk to show what coins we would use for certain amounts. Lots of active learning with partners.

P4/3 Red Nose Day

Today we dressed a superheroes and donated some money towards Comic Relief  to support people living incredibly tough lives.  This year their aim is to use the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change.  We told each other jokes to make us laugh!

Rory “Why did the fish blush?- because the sea- weed!”
Chloe “Why did the children eat their homework?- because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!”
Cameron “Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the shops! Do you think that is funny? No? Neither did the chicken the shop was closed!”
Lilia “Knock, Knock, Who’s there?, Boo, Boo who? Don’t cry!”
Amhlaidh “Where do you go in a Zombie attack? The LIVING room!”
Chloe K-L “Knock Knock, Who’s there? Red, Red who?, Red Nose!”
Molly “I lost my cat, I found my cat, he didn’t know me! I said it’s Me! he scratched me! Me- OW!”
Jakson “What do you call a fish with no eyes? FSHHHHHH”
Faith “What is black and white and black and white and black and white? A Panda rolling down a hill!”
Rosie “Knock knock, Who’s there? Doctor, Doctor Who? You just said it!”
Ella “I started walking across the street, someone else started walking across. The person had a milk carton in their hand. They threw the milk carton at me and I said, how DAIRY!”
Simar “Knock knock, who’s there, lettuce, lettuce who? Lettuce in!”
Ellie- Mae “Knock knock, who’s there, chill, chill who? I chill like you!”
Ben “Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! How did the cat cross the road? It was attached to the chicken!”
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