P4S Weekly Work Grid

Morning everyone.  Hope you had a good weekend.  I have made a video to help you with your Measure task this week.  It is in the Files, Class Materials, on class Teams.  You may need to come back to view it at a time when Teams isn’t busy.  Please don’t download video and post anywhere else.  Have a great week.

P4S – 25.05.20

P4S Weekly Work Grid 11.5.20

Morning everyone.  Hope you have had a good weekend.  This week the grid is slightly different, making it more inline with other classes.  Please take your time with the tasks and don’t rush through them all on a Monday.  You will also receive an extra challenge literacy and Numeracy/Maths each week that you can find on Teams or here on the Blog on Tuesday.

This week there is a Sumdog Competition so the more you play the better our school will score.

This week I will be holding our video chat on Tuesday at 10 o’clock.  I look forward to hearing you then.  Try to come up with something you can chat about – it can be anything.  Maybe some information about something you have researched or read us one of your writing tasks.  As always I will enjoy hearing about what you have been up to as well.

Have a good week.

P4S – 11.05.20

P4S work gird 6.5.20

Morning everyone, hope you had a good weekend.  Today’s grid is slightly different from our usual one to take it more in line with most of the other classes in the school.  Also as it is a shorter week there are less learning activities.  This week I will be doing a live video chat at 10 o’clock on Thursday.  Set your alarms to remind you.  Just give my morning message a thumbs up so I know to invite you to chat.  Looking forward to hearing what you have been up to.

P4S – 06.05.20

P4S Weekly Work Grid

Here is this weeks grid.  Additional help can be found on Teams.

P4S Week 27.4.20


I am hoping to go  live on Teams at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, Tuesday 28th April so I can video call you.  You will be able to see & hear me but I will only hear you.  All your camera’s are disabled for safety online.  You can just come say hi or you could tell me your news just as though you were on the carpet in classroom.

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