Here is the Fischy Music Assembly for this week. East Calder Primary School gets a little shout out! (It doesn’t start until 5 minutes into the video). Have fun singing along today…
Author: wlj.rutherford@glow
P1 Home Learning
Hello P1! We hope you had a lovely weekend.
Ms Boyes posted a picture of a peony flower a couple of weeks ago. Here’s one more flower for you..isn’t it beautiful? It’s called an iris.
Here is the grid for this week. We hope you have fun doing the new activities.
We have a Space theme for the rest of this term!
P1 Home Learning Grid 10 8.6.20 (3)
Teaching Children to Listen…at Home! Listening to all the words
Remember to keep sending us your ‘Amazing Activities’. We love seeing your work. Have a great week.
Ms Boyes, Mrs Forbes, Mrs Grieve, Mrs Murdoch
P1 Assembly
Here’s the latest Fischy Music assembly. Enjoy singing and dancing along!
P1 Home Learning
Hello P1! We hope you had a lovely weekend.
Two weeks ago Ms Boyes posted a picture of bluebells. Did you get it right? Here’s another flower for this week. See if you can find out the name..
Here is a new grid for this week.
P1 Home Learning Grid 8 25.5.20
Here are some attachments to go with the grid.
Teaching Children to Listen…at Home! (EY) Sitting still
Technology grid from Mrs Martin
We hope you have a great week. Remember to keep sending us your Amazing Activities. We love to see them.
Ms Boyes, Mrs Forbes, Mrs Grieve and Mrs Murdoch
P1 Assembly
Enjoy today’s assembly from Fischy Music! (It says 4th May on the title here but that seems to be a little mistake).
P1 Home Learning 11.05.20
Hello P1! We hope you had a lovely weekend.
Ms Boyes posted a picture of daffodils on the blog a couple of weeks ago. Did you get their name right?
Ms Boyes took a picture of these flowers in her garden- can you find out what they’re called?
Here is our new Grid for this week:
P1 Home Learning Grid 6 11.5.20
Here are the attachments to go with the blog:
It’s been great to receive your emails and photos. Remember you can let us know all about your Amazing Activities by emailing the school:
Ms Boyes, Mrs Forbes, Mrs Grieve, Mrs Murdoch
P1 Drawing for fun.
Can you draw an owl? Here’s a little video to show you how! Have fun drawing and colouring your picture. What other animals can you draw?
P1 Class Assembly
Fischy Music are playing class assemblies every Monday at 11am. The boys and girls in P1 will definitely know the first song, Welcome Everybody. Here is their latest assembly. Enjoy singing and moving along to the music!
P1 Home Learning 27.4.20
Hello P1! We hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the super weather. There are lots of signs of Spring now. Have you spotted any blossom or lambs? Ms Boyes took this picture on one of her daily walks. Do you know what these flowers are called?
Here is a new Grid for this week:
Parents, there are two sounds to learn included in our new grid. Booklets for the sounds are found below. If you don’t have a printer, don’t worry, you can just look at the pages with your child, or, you could help them copy some activities into their jotters.
Finally, we have a new special square on our grid called ‘Amazing Activities!’. Is there an activity you have particularly enjoyed or are really proud of? Did you do it by yourself or with your family? If you’d like to share it with us, please email a photo, marked for the attention of your teacher to: We would love to see your Amazing Activity!
Ms Boyes, Mrs Forbes, Mrs Grieve and Mrs Murdoch