Learning in P2A

This week we have been learning our Fry’s words.

‘We painted them, we made them with playdoh and we wrote them on ipads’ Piper.

‘We went round the different stations to try every task’ Harrison.

We listened to the story ‘Tiddler’ by Julia Donaldson.

‘I like how he told all the stories’ Oscar.

‘I liked the Gruffalo fish because it was in a different Julia Donaldson book’ Abbie.

‘I liked it when the fish told the class it wasn’t a story-it was real’ Jenson.

‘We were learning about friendship with our buddies’ Piper.

‘We learned how follow the instructions ‘sit down’ and ‘stand up’, in French’ George.

‘We learned the instruction ‘silence’ in French’ Ralph.

‘In music, we were learning about different types of music, like the Blues’ Meghan.


Learning in P2A

‘We were learning about money. We were counting in 2ps, 5ps and 10ps’ Piper.

‘We were learning about doubles in maths’ Harrison and Abbie.

‘I liked learning about our weather. We learned that on the news they use symbols to show the weather.’ Abbie.

‘They use numbers too’ Rudi S.

‘I liked doing our fireworks art. We used sticks to dip in the paint and made the fireworks on the page. We used (biodegradable) glitter to make them sparkle’ William.

Maths Week Scotland in P2A

This week we have had great fun listening to maths stories. We listened to ‘Jack the Builder’. It was all about 3d shapes. We worked in groups to create our own models with 3d shapes and explored their properties. We made up an addition sum to work out ‘How Many Feet in the Bed?’ after listening to the story by Diane Johnston Hamm.

In art, we looked at the works of Piet Mondrian and Frank Stella. They used line and shape in their artwork. It inspired us to try our own works of art.

We were lucky to have Mr Pennykid come in to school to tell us all about how he uses maths in his job. We also loved listening to the animal stories too!

Learning in P2/1

Last week we were visited by a lady from The Dogs Trust.

‘We learned how to be safe around dogs’ Mia.

‘We should be quiet around dogs and if they have taken one of your socks or toys tell and adult. Be gentle, they don’t want cuddles, they want a wee stroke. Leave dogs alone when they are eating.’ Kayla.

‘We were seeing what kinds of buildings were in Main Street’ Mia.

‘We drew pictures of the buildings in Main Street. We made a pictogram to show the information.’ Alexus.

‘We were playing with the parachute in PE. We had to run underneath. We made a tent and sat underneath. We sat on it to hold it down.’ Fawn.

We had fun.


‘This week we have been learning about Barbara Hepworth. She made sculptures.’ Alfie.

‘We used clay to make shape sculptures.’ Kayla.

‘Mine was called the Tunnel Tree’ Leonor.

It was Science Week this week. Mrs Beattie set us all a challenge.

‘We had to stretch a curly wurly’ Mia.

‘We had to warm it up first’ Maris.

‘If we didn’t warm it up it would break’ Jenson.

Our longest curly wurly was 110 cm!

Learning in P2/1


Yesterday was World Book Day.

‘We watched Emily MacKenzie. She was reading ‘Broccoli Ice Cream’.’ Alexus

‘We had to listen to all the words so that we could copy her drawing of Granville the Dog’ Kayla.

All the pictures looked amazing.



‘Today was PJ day. We had a comfy reading day.’ Leonor.

‘We were reading books in the library with our Buddies’ Tymon.

We also made little books so we could write our own stories.

‘My favourite part was making the little books because it was good fun’ Finlay.

‘My favourite part was when we read with our Buddies in the library’ Fawn and Myah.



Learning in P2/1

It has been a very busy few weeks in P2/1. Before the holidays we chose to learn more about Scotland. We started by finding Scotland on a World map, then a European map and then, the P2s found East Calder on a map of Scotland.

After that we thought about what we wanted to focus on. Finlay said he wanted to learn more about the bridges and rivers of Scotland. Nearly the whole class wanted to learn more about the castles of Scotland.

We had great fun using our ‘teamwork’ skills to build bridges from different materials. We presented our bridges to the class.
Our bridges had to be sturdy enough to span the two tables.

The P2s wrote information reports about bridges and the P1s wrote some sentences about the bridges we had made.
We thought it would be great to try building castles and to compare the materials we used.
We thought the Lego and the junk modelling was the best to make our castles.

In maths we have been learning about fractions. P1 were cutting items into halves and P2 were exploring halves and quarters of numbers.

We have all been learning about tally marks.
“I made ten with the pencils!”.

Learning in P2/1





During languages week we taught each other how to say ‘hello’ in different languages. In our class, we can say hello, in Urdu, Polish, French, Portuguese, Spanish and British Sign Language!

We are really enjoying our music lessons with Dave. We have been playing shakers to tell a story about a train ride. We were singing and playing our instruments loudly and quietly. We had good fun dancing and stopping to the beat of the drum.

Learning in P2/1

‘This week we have been learning about number bonds to 10 or 20 or 100’ Alfie.

‘This week we have been counting in twos’ Alexus.

‘In our science topic, we were learning about the Earth. There are houses and trees. It is the third planet from the Sun.’ Kayla.

‘We were talking about healthy foods. I drew grapes, fish and turkey on my healthy plate’ Finlay.


‘We were making the solar system’ .


‘I painted one side of the paper, then I folded it and when I opened it, there was a butterfly’ Mia.

‘I made a crab’ Ralph.


It’s been a busy week back to school in P2/1. We have been using numicon to investigate number bonds and have had fun listening to the months of the year song in maths.

We are continuing to build and blend letters to read words in our reading books and have been practising Fry’s words along with our handwriting.

This week we listened to information about two planets: Jupiter and Saturn. We enjoyed watching The Space Explorers on CBeebies and could tell the class some facts we learned.


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