P3B Creativity

As we get nearer to the end of term we have discussed all the things we would like to do together before our time in Primary 3 is over. Drawing. painting and making models were high on our wish list. So on Tuesday this week we had a very creative time during our Art and craft afternoon.

We enjoyed making a variety of things including bunting for Gala Week!

This week in P3.

Happy Friday P3! … and Happy  Red Nose Day!

We loved seeing different super heroes in our classes today and we enjoyed listening to lots of jokes. Well done to Erin and Paul for confidently reading their jokes at our assembly. Thank you very much to everyone who made a donation to Comic Relief.

We have all been working so hard in P3 this week on writing information reports. We are have been discussing our core targets and thinking about how we can improve our writing. When we assess our writing we think about… what went well and even better if…

We have also been working on division and using our multiplication facts to help us work out the answer.

Well done everyone! Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Reid P3A             Mrs Robertson P3B


This week in P3B!

It’s so good to be back P3B! You are all enjoying being in  school  again and playing with your friends.

This week we have been working hard on our 3 and 4 times tables. We love to use  animated clips or videos to help us skip count in 3s and 4s. We are learning how to work out multiplication word problems and we wrote the 4 times table in the playground using chalk.

We  have used word boost this week to help us  learn new words and understand what they mean.

We started our Ancient Egypt topic and we wrote down what we know already. Most of us know they have pyramids there but we are not sure why. As a class we came up with three big questions that we want to find the answers to.

In Science we have been experimenting with magnets which was good fun!

On Thursday we had a great World Book Day. We looked at the books in our school library and we are trying to find out what the best book in the world is. We also found out about working in publishing. The jobs of editor and illustrator sound really interesting.

We love lots of different books. What is your favourite book?

Thank you P3!

As we get ready to return to school on Monday we would like to say a  huge thank you to you all for your hard work over the last few weeks. We have been so  impressed by how well you have engaged with remote learning and with the standard of your work. Lots of you have tried hard to extend your learning at  home.

Also a massive thank you to all the mums and dads .. and some brothers and sisters, that have helped and supported you to do your best. It has not been easy at times.

We have managed to stay on track with our learning and we have covered work that we would be doing if we were in school. We hope you are feeling ready to continue in school and we know you will be excited to see your friends. It will all look and feel the same as before. There are now hand sanitiser dispensers on the wall at the door so this makes it very easy to remember to clean  our hands. We will let you know next week which days we will be having PE this term.

Looking forward to seeing all of your smiley faces on Monday!

Have a lovely weekend!

From your very proud… and excited teachers!

Miss Reid P3A                              Mrs Robertson P3B

Super work P3!

You have treated us to some super work this week P3!

Thank you so much for your photos, videos, recordings and responses on Seesaw. We would also like to thank all of the adults at home who are doing a fantastic job supporting you in your learning.

This week we have –

    • continued to learn about multiplication and used Thinkboards to help us work out word problems…and completed a Check-up to see how we are progressing with our learning.
    • Started to learn how to write an information report.
    • Learned about adding ing and ed to words and practised spelling them
    • Read and used information from a text to label a drawing of a polar bear.
    • Looked at Steven Brown’s art work and designed our own Highland cows… and other animals.
    • Enjoyed lots of stories and books in National Storytelling week.. even recorded ourselves telling stories.
    • Found out about the different kinds of teeth we have.
    • Been active and participated in Mr Millar’s Fitness Week 4

Another fantastic week Primary 3. Keep it up. We are very proud of you all!

Have great weekend!

Miss Reid   P3A                 Mrs Robertson    P3B



P3 Remote Learning

WOW P3!  You have had an amazing week! We have been so impressed by all your fantastic learning.

  • We have been learning a poem in Scots.
  • Using Scots words..and French words!.. to describe the weather.
  • Learning how to use speech marks.
  • Using arrays to work out multiplication problems.
  • Looking at non- fiction texts about polar bears.
  • Designing super inventions for Mrs Beattie’s Invention Challenge.
  • Creating our own tartan.
  • Taking part in Mr Millar’s Active Challenge.
  • ..and not forgetting sledging, building snowmen and having fun outdoors!

Thank you to your families for supporting you in your learning.

We really hope you have all enjoyed the activities. Remember you can give us some feedback too!  Let us know which ones you liked best.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Reid P3A      Mrs Robertson P3B          (your very proud teachers!)

Book Week Scotland P3B

It’s Book Week!

On Monday everyone was excited to see all the super things in our Read, Write, Count bags.

We have looked at the books called ‘Look Up!’ and  ‘Wow! Animals’ and we discussed fiction and non- fiction books.

We really loved the tape measure and used it to measure things in the class and out in the playground at playtime. This will help us to learn how to estimate accurately.

We played with card sets  and made up some games of our own.

There are lots of great ideas and activities in the Parent Club booklet to help children extend their learning. You may also like to look at the Scottish Book Trust website.

Happy Reading Everyone!


P3 Homework Monday 9th November

Good morning P3!

Here is your homework grid for the next 2 weeks.

P3 Homework grid Nov 9th

You will also be able to access it on Seesaw.

We have loved seeing all of your learning on Seesaw. It is helping you to become more confident when sharing your learning with others.

One of your next tasks is to prepare a short class talk about the job you would like to do in the future.

We will ask you to give your talk some time after Monday 23rd of November.

We are looking forward to enjoying lots of lovely book activities during Book Week Scotland which begins on Monday 16th November.

Keep up the good work!

Miss Reid P3A              Mrs Robertson P3B

P3 Homework

We hope you will enjoy some of the activities on your first homework grid Primary 3 . This homework has to be completed over the next 2 weeks. Remember you need to complete the shaded tasks and choose some of the others if you wish.

P3 homework 26th Oct 2020

The homework grid is also on Seesaw.

We hope you will be  able to upload photos or  videos, and even record yourself talking to us about your learning. Please try it. We are very excited to see what you can do!

Miss Reid   P3A             Mrs Robertson P3B

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