Day 6 The Really BIG READ ALOUD

Do you love to read? Are you always looking for new books? Or perhaps you are interested in learning new things?

Why not join East Calder Public Library?

As we continue our really BIG READ ALOUD we would like to promote our local library.

It is located in The Dave King Partnership Centre.

Joining the library is free and gives you access to hundreds of books and much, much more.

We have previously visited East Calder Library with classes and hope to resume our links with them next session.

Please note the library will be closed on Friday 3rd June.

Day 5 The Really BIG READ ALOUD

To promote  reading in school we have been taking part in ‘Drop Everything And Read’  time (DEAR) over the last week. When the bell rings we can stop our other activities and read a book for 10 minutes.

Our Reading Volunteers have been visiting other classes from 8.30am to offer their reading services to younger pupils.

We have also introduced ‘Breakfast club Bookworms‘ so that pupils at breakfast club can enjoy time to read.


Let us know if you are enjoying these extra opportunities to read.

We were disappointed not to have our Sports Day today. Hopefully the weather will be better next week. In the meantime, if you are dreaming about winning  we have a selection of reading materials about great sporting heros!  Happy reading everyone!



Day 4 The Really BIG READ ALOUD

It’s Friday and Day 4 of The Really BIG READ ALOUD.

Friday night ..or Saturday often ‘Movie night’ for many families. It is great fun to snuggle up with everyone and enjoy a really good movie. Even better with some drinks and snacks. Perhaps you enjoy a movie night together? Or a visit to the cinema.

Today’s challenge is to talk about a movie that is based on a book.

Have you read the book? Is  the  movie the same as the book? Is it better?

Which movie that was based on a book is your family’s favourite?

Enjoy watching ..and keep reading!

Day 3 The Really BIG READ ALOUD

What kind of reading material do you enjoy reading?

Do you read digitally? Maybe you read on a Kindle or i-Pad?

Perhaps you prefer a book, a magazine or a comic?

It is important to try to read a wide variety of different books and we have a big selection of fiction and non-fiction books in school.

We also read digitally.  Some pupils love to read EPIC books on their device. We also subscribe to ‘The WEEK Junior’ and ‘The WEEK Junior SCIENCE + Nature’ and can read these digitally or look at the magazine that we get delivered each week.

What really matters is that you enjoy reading and want to do more of it.

We would love to hear about the things you enjoy reading at home.

Day 2 The really BIG READ ALOUD

Who is your favourite author? Do you have a favourite book?

Is it Roald Dahl? Julia Donaldson? Jaqueline Wilson?

Perhaps David Walliams, Ross MacKenzie  or Michael Morpurgo?



Have a ‘book talk’ at home to find out which authors or books are favourites with your  family. You could even ask grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins.

Here is one of my favourites from primary school ( showing my age !) So glad to see this author is still popular and  I know P3B have really enjoyed the Enchanted series of books.

Happy reading everyone!

Day 1 The Really BIG READ ALOUD

10 REASONS you should READ ALOUD to big ones too!

Even after children can read on their own, they can really benefit from  being read to.

Here are 10 good things that can come of it.

It builds vocabulary.

It improves comprehension.

3 It’s wonderful for bonding.

4 It provides positive role modeling.

5  It improves listening skills.

6 It’s a way to discover the classics.

7  It helps with discussing difficult issues.

8 It’s a way to introduce different genres of books.

9  It’s a portal into your child’s interests.

10 It sparks curiosity and a thirst for learning.

Keep reading everyone!

Coming Soon!! The Really BIG READ ALOUD!

Calling all parents and carers!

We need your help!

As part of our Reading Schools Silver Award Accreditation we are hoping to raise the profile of reading with families.

Lots of research has shown that continued reading aloud to children even after they can read on their own, improves reading and listening skills and academic performance. It is relaxing and wonderful for bonding.

We would appreciate it if you could participate in Our Really BIG READ ALOUD! Which will take place from Tuesday 24th May to Thursday 2nd June.


We are hoping that over the next 2 weeks families could  find time to fit in 5 or 10 minutes of reading aloud together …at least 3 times each week if possible.

If your child can read independently you can share the reading together. It doesn’t need to be a book. It could be a comic, newspaper, magazine. It could be a recipe if you are baking or cooking together.. or the instructions for a game or model. And we know  how much everyone likes a story being read to them.. even our senior pupils.

It would great if you could take a photo of your family reading time.  You may see classes will have a post on their Seesaw or Teams page about reading for enjoyment at home.

Thank you for your support.

Happy Reading Everyone!

Article 31      I have the right to relax and play.

Our New Library is open!

Our  much anticipated, newly-refurbished library has opened for business. Last week all classes enjoyed a ribbon cutting ceremony, exploring the books in the library space and a snack and a drink.

We  have lots of lovely new furniture ..our super, big reading chair has been a great hit with everyone and lots of pupils loved a cosy read in the den.


During their weekly library time classes can read a wide variety of books, discover new authors, find out information, learn new things and especially just read for enjoyment in a relaxing, calm space. Reading is a life skill. It helps us with our self-esteem and Well-being, as well as building confidence and having fun!

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture): Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

Coming soon .. our Library opening event ..and World Book Day!

As part of our Reading Schools Award we are working to promote reading for pleasure and enjoyment.

A growing number of studies show reading can have a major impact on on children and young people’s attainment, self-confidence and well-being.

Next week we will be opening our  long awaited, refurbished library (just in time for World Book Day on Thursday 4th March) We hope everyone will enjoy reading and exploring all the fantastic books we have. Classes will be invited along for an opening event and then will have an allocated time each week to spend in the library.

This is what our library looked like before..

Each pupil has been given a token for World Book Day which can be exchanged at participating retailers (Waterstones book shop in Livingston is one) for a selection of short, free books or used to discount other books by £1.  The tokens can be used from now until 27th March.

NEXT FRIDAY  4th March we will be celebrating World Book Day by dressing up ..or down .. if you wish. We would really love to see some characters from books!

We are looking forward to a fun…and book-filled week ahead!

Article 31 (leisure, play and culture): Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

Scots whae hae!

Over the last few weeks all classes have been working on Scots language activities.

A knowledge and understanding of Scots language and Scottish texts allows children and young people to explore and appreciate Scottish culture. Learning Scots can often improve learners’ engagement in learning and their development of wider literacy skills.

In the nursery I enjoyed reading a story in Scots to the boys and girls. Some  made beaks and built a ‘waa’ for the three ‘Craws’. The Primary ones have made some super displays about ‘The Teeger that Cam for his tea’ and ‘Katie Morag’. Primary 2’s and 3’s have been learning and using lots of Scots words. Primary 4-7 have worked on creating their own Scots word lists and dictionaries. They have even been writing in Scots!

Primary 4-7 also took part in a live author event about Robert Burns with author Victoria Williamson. Primary 7 are really enjoying reading her novel ‘Hag Storm’.

We have been learning Scots poems and 2 pupils from each class were chosen to recite their poem at one of our two Scottish Assemblies. Well done to everyone who read aloud at assembly or in their class. It’s not easy to speak aloud in front of an audience.. and a special mention to Primary 1B for their amazing performance of ‘There was a wee lassie who swallowed a Midgie!’

We are currently working towards our Reading Schools Silver Award and part of our action plan is to celebrate books and special reading events. We now have lots of fabulous displays to demonstrate our learning of Scots language. Fantastic work everyone!

Article 30 I have the right to use my own language and culture.

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