P3R Homework

P3R enjoyed our Homework carousel today when we get walk round and share all the things we have done on our homework grid. We had super number work, fantastic pictures and some really spooky stories!

We put some of the stories in a big class book so others can enjoy reading them!


Great work P3R!

P3R Maths week

This week is Maths week and we have been looking at visualising numbers. This helps us get a picture in our mind of how big or small numbers are and how we can show this. We looked at how patterns can help us to count and work out amounts quickly.

We coloured in dot patterns to show numbers to 30.

We drew long lines with chalk in the playground and we had to visualise where the numbers would go on the line.

We cut out dots of coloured card and used them to show 2 digit and 3 digit numbers…and even 4 digit numbers!

Well Done P3R!  Super number work.

Its great to be back!

P3R Happy holidays!

We have had some super achievements this term in P3R.

Some have participated in drama or dance shows.

We have a Players’ Player of the year award for football and a big trophy for dancing.

Well done to all of you!


We have worked hard and learned a lot in Primary 3.

We have grown too as you  can see from the photographs.

Our first day in P3!

Our last full day in P3!


Have a happy holiday everyone!

P3R Health week

We had a great start to Health Week last Friday with the Super Half Marathon. Thank you to everyone who has returned sponsor money.

We had super weather for our Sports Day on Monday.

On Tuesday we were learning about why some people have to take medicines and the importance of using medicines safely.

On Wednesday we got to taste the smoothies we made by cycling on the Smoothie bike!


And finally on Thursday got to work on our football and rugby skills.

We  can talk about why exercise and fitness are important for our bodies and we had a lot of fun in Health Week!


Super Writers in P3R

We have had  a successful start to the new term in P3R with some super writing!

This week we were listening to Chapter 1 in the story of ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.

We have been writing about what we think would happen next in the story.

We used our target checklist to peer assess our partner’s work and gave them positive feedback.

We also have been thinking about our next steps in writing for this term. Some of us are working on spelling, punctuation or vocabulary.

We can’t wait to find out what happens next in the story.


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