In P3B, we love Numeracy and Maths. We take part in Numeracy every day and on Tuesdays, we focus on our Maths Topic. “Money” is our Maths topic this term and we have been learning through play.
Miss Marra gave us a selection of coins and we worked with our learning partners to answer these questions:
What do you notice?
What do you wonder?
We had lots of questions about the coins and notes. We all recognised the bank cards and could talk about times when we had seen family members use these to pay for items. We had a class discussion about how most people use Apple Pay or bank cards to pay for items nowadays. During this discussion, we realised that it is still important to learn how to add coins to help us understand the value of money. This will help us to pay for things and budget when we are older.
We started using the money in different ways depending on our interests. Some of us collected one particular type of coin and added them together. Some of us started ordering the coins from smallest to biggest. We noticed that the largest coins are not always the highest in value. Some of us started adding the coins and showing Miss Marra the different values we can make. This then started the ball rolling with a different discussion. How much can we make with the coins?
We were confident sharing our learning with each other. We have photos on our Maths and Numeracy wall with examples of the discussions that took place. We are very excited for our parents and carers to see this on Parents Evening.
Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.