P5 Have Another Busy Week


We are learning about division and have learnt various strategies.

Bailey – We are improving our division skills using strategies such as grouping and sharing. I prefer using the sharing strategy.

Anna – I feel my recall of tables is better due to my division work. Division was tricky at first but learning the different strategies has helped.

Oscar – Dividing by zero was tricky at first!

Outdoor Learning

Sara – I enjoyed the challenge when we had to describe a plant to a partner and they had to guess what it was.

Sofia – I liked the rocks game.

Hope – I won the rocks game!


We have been practising our summarising skills. After reading an extract from Harry Potter we highlighted the important parts then acted in role as reporters summarising these key events.

Bailey – Our 60 second reading challenges have been fun and interesting.


Hope – I enjoyed scoring 2 goals at football!

Anna – I feel fitter.



This week in Primary 2

Have a read to see what we have been up to this week.

Class Talks

Euan – “We spoke about our favourite toy. I spoke about my football”

Charli Mae – “I spoke about my pengiun who loves to eat fish”


Max – “We wrote an information report about frogs”

Andrew – “Frogs hop and make a noise”

Alfie – “Frog eyes poke out like flies”

Archie M – “Frogs are amphibians”


Layla – “We started learning to count in 5s”

Oliver – “We were multiplying”


Jordon – “We listen to different theme tunes and spoke about how they made us feel”

Jayden – “We had to work as a team to make a theme song for Super Girl”

Louie – “Our song had to have a happy and exciting beat”


Summer – “We had to design a balanced meal”

Sophie – “We needed 1 protein, 1 carbohydrate and 2 vegetables”


Have a lovely weekend!

P4 Back to school

We are all delighted to be back in school and back together again. We have been working hard since we returned.
In Numeracy we have been showing off our knowledge of subtraction and we have been working on our Times Tables.
In Reading we have been enjoying reading together again. We have been introduced to the final skill in Reciprocal Reading which is Summarising. We have been discussing how we can give a brief version of what has happened in a story and then we used this to give a summary of our group reading books so far.
In Writing we have continued our information report genre and enjoyed writing about a toy of our choice. This week we also completed an assessment on Information Report writing. We have all shown that we have a good knowledge of how to lay out this sort of text.
We are looking forward to next week to see what learning is in store for us!

Weekly Update from P1A

Welcome to our weekly update. This week we have continued to welcome signs of spring. We drew and painted blossom trees using the bottom of a plastic bottle to give the effect of  blossoms.


We also looked at the life cycle of bees and found out lots of interesting facts about their hives and the Queen Bee.


We have now finished our “Hello Spring” display. As you can see we have created lifecycles for frogs, butterflies and bees. We are very proud of it!

Writing – Information Reports 

The Spring theme continued into our weekly writing. The children were asked to write a report containing information about frogs. What they look like, where they live and what they can do. We had a fantastic discussion and found out lots of interesting facts e.g. frogs are nocturnal, they can camouflage themselves and some are poisonous. Some examples below-



When the children come in class in the morning they now complete a daily number challenge. This challenge takes place as we are ordering lunches and completing the register. It is a super way to get motivated for the day and the children are keen to challenge themselves to complete as many questions as they can.

This week we have began looking at subtraction and are exploring the concept in an active way.


I hope you have a lovely weekend, keep safe and I will post more updates next week.

P5 Enjoy Being Back!

This week was great because we finally got to see our friends! On Friday it was comic relief and we were able to wear fun hats or be creative with our hair while raising money for a good cause.

We have also been busy too. We have been taking advantage of the great weather and had PE outside. It was great fun playing games. We also enjoyed playing family fortunes. It was a hoot!

Outdoor Learning

Summer – I enjoyed the outdoor learning with Mrs Fletcher.

Bailey – We looked for signs of Spring.

Sofia – Then we used chalk to draw symmetrical pictures.

                                            STEM CHALLENGE 

We were only allowed one piece of paper and glue and scissors and the challenge was to make the longest paper chain! We worked with our partners and when evaluating our work afterwards decided that it was best to cut thin pieces of paper and make sure that all team members were involved so that the chain could be put together quickly.


In number talks we have been practising using mental strategies to multiply 2 digit numbers.

Sophie S – I know more about using partitioning.


We have been practising our data handling skills. We completed a class survey and produced a tally chart, frequency chart and bar graph.


We have continued to practise our spelling and handwriting. We wrote another information report this week and in reading we have practised answering questions about a text.


As part of our topic on Scotland we learnt about some Scottish inventions including the flushing toilet. Then we were asked to think of a problem and design an invention to solve that problem.

We had some fantastic ideas such as a machine to clean the house (Bella), a dog-napping prevention lead (Anna), an anti racism machine that altered DNA (Sofia) and a toy that helped people with depression(Callum).

Alexis – I enjoyed the invention designs!


This Week in P3/2


For reading this week, we have been focusing on using key words and phrases to find key pieces of information. We were highlighting the information in the text before answering our questions in sentences.

We have been sounding out our new spelling words. We look, say cover, write and check each word 3 times. Then, we write the word with our eyes closed on our whiteboard as this help us to remember how to spell the words accurately.

In writing, we were using our imagination to help us write a narrative text. We were writing a story with the title ‘Up Up and Away’. We were developing our skills of using adjectives to describe the setting and characters.



This week in maths, we were focusing on our 5 and 10 times tables. We have been practicing them through maths games and we loved playing times table bingo as a class.

We have also been solving multiplication equations using effective strategies. Some pupils were using arrays to solve the equations and others were using their fingers and skip counting.



For our topic of toys, we have been looking at plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is a big problem that we face as a society! We were discussing how plastic is a useful material as it is strong and cheap to make. However, it does not decompose and it is not getting recycled properly. Many plastic is in landfill and the sea and this is bad for the animals and the environment.

We had a class discussion about how many toys today are make from plastic. We were shocked to hear that McDonalds is the world’s biggest manufacturer of toys. However, these toys are often made from plastic and are usually throw away toys. We made posters to inform people of the issues created by plastic toy pollution.

A fun filled week in P2!

Hello and welcome back to our blog! Have a read to see what we have been up to this week!


Max – “We have been learning new balances”

Elizabeth – “It was hard but we will get better with practise”


Jordon – “We were writing an information report all about worms”

Archie M – “Worms have 5 hearts”

Euan – “If you cut off a worm’s tail 5 times it will die”


Charli-Mae – “We have been practising multiplication and chimney sums”

Maddison – “I like to use cubes to help me multiply”


Vrishti – “We made a pop art picture with our favourite toys”

Jayden – “We looked at Andy Warhol pictures and made our own in the same way”

Alfie – “We drew with crayons then we used watery paint to paint over the top”

Mark – “When we tried to put the paint over the crayon it wouldn’t go over it so you could still see our drawings”

Comic Relief 2021

Check out our crazy hair and crazy faces for Comic Relief 2021. Thank you very much for all of your kind donations, they are greatly appreciated!

Have a lovely weekend!

Weekly Update from P1A

Hello everyone and welcome back to our class blog. It is great to be back and hopefully things can now get back to feeling a little more normal.

Although Spring does not officially start until the 20th of March, we have been enjoying the lovely sunny weather and have began investigating how our environment changes as we welcome the new season. We wanted our classroom to reflect some of the changes going on outside and have started creating new Spring wall displays.

We read a lovely story called Cody the Cautious Caterpillar. This inspired us to investigate the life cycle of a butterfly. As you can see from the picture above we made caterpillars using finger paints and butterflies using collage materials. At the top right of the picture you can see a diagram detailing the cycle. We moved onto look at the life cycle of a frog. As you can see from the picture below, we drew frogs using a guided draw and created life cycle diagrams. Investigating Spring has definitely made us all feel positive!

Writing –

This term we are focusing on the genre of report writing. The children have been learning to write about leaves, shoes and tents so far. They have detailed what they look like, where you might find them and what there purpose is. Some examples below-

Numeracy –

Since we all came back to class we have been focusing on addition and combining different combination of numbers to 10. Some of the activities the children done to support their understanding of this concept pictured below –



I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay safe and I will post more updates next week.

Primary 1B Highlights

Welcome back to our first blog post of the new year. Although we have been back in class for a while we haven’t been blogging about all of the wonderful learning we have been getting up to in class, so here is a little overview of what we have been covering this week.

This week we have seen nicer weather outside and have started to learn a little bit about Spring and all of it’s wonderful associations. During our Monday morning check in, some of the children mentioned having come across frog spawn at the weekend. This sparked a wonderful discussion about life cycles and led us to ask some curious questions that helped shape one of our learning focuses for the week.


We watched a fascinating time lapse of frog spawn changing through the stages of a life cycle into frogs. We learned lots of new and exciting vocabulary and had a go at sequencing our own frog life cycle. We ordered the pictures and discussed what was happening at each stage.

Did you know that the baby froglet eats the jelly like substance that makes up the frog spawn?

We had a go at using our listening skills to follow instructions to complete a drawing of a frog. We used real life colours to finish our drawing. Here are some examples of our fabulous work.

We have also been investigating all the different changes that we have bee noticing during the beginning of the season. We discussed the weather and how we have had quite a few wet play times so far. We talked about April showers and how the temperature and weather should start to improve later on in the season (fingers crossed!).

We completed some wonderful blue wash/crayon resist paintings including none other than ourselves! Have a look at our super artwork.

We have not only been investigating the weather we talked about the different types of spring flowers that have been beginning to pop up! We tried our hand at drawing, tulips, daisies and daffodils. We all worked extremely hard to get the petals on each flower perfect. We are very proud of our work.


Our new writing genre focus for this term is ‘Information Reports’. We are, as always using our core targets to help shape our writing and are providing the reader with information about our chosen topic, this week being ‘Tents’. Here are examples of some of our work. We have been working very hard using our listening skills and alphabet strips to help us ‘have a go’ at sounding out words we are unsure of how to spell. We are gaining confidence everyday!

This is just a very short snapshot of what we have been working on throughout the week. We hope that you have enjoyed reading our blog and looking at our pictures.

Mrs Stevenson and Primary 1B

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