What have P6 been up to this week?


This week we talked about cyber bullying and discussed strategies to help deal with this.


Dance – This week we continued to practise our Hip Hop dancing skills.

Rounders – We practised throwing and catching skills first then we practised our batting skills. We worked as a team to build up points then we played competitive matches.


In group reading we read our novels and then practised our prediction skills.


We practised using various mental strategies to efficiently divide a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number.

In addition we also practised dividing numbers by 10, 100 or 1000. This meant some of our answers were decimals.

Topic/ Literacy

We researched extinct and endangered living organisms from Scotland.

Katie – I found out otters hold hands when they sleep.

Emily – I enjoyed finding out about the mammoth and woolly rhinoceros even though they were extinct a long time ago.

Outdoor Learning

Katie – We put soil in plant pots and moved the planters.

Alexis – We moved the pallets and we are making them into fake cars for the younger children.


This week we learnt how to write block code which increased/ decreased the speed of an object.


This Week in P3


In writing this week, we continued to develop our skills for information report writing. This week, we were writing a report about a Scottish landmark. After we had written them we had to peer assess our elbow partners writing using the genre targets.

In reading this week, we continued to develop reading with fluency and expression. We use echo reading to develop our expression. An adult reads the text first and we have to echo back and add the expression.



In numeracy this week, we were looking at division. When dividing we need to share equally. We have been learning to use different strategies to help us calculate the answer.


For our animal topic, we have been learning about life cycles. A life cycle is different stages of life for a living thing.  We have been learning about the life cycles of a frog and butterfly.

P4 Class May 13, 2022

What a magnificent week we had!

We learnt to calculate the area of  shape, learnt to convert units of measure and we practiced our multiplication and division strategies for mental maths.

In literacy, we read and researched facts about polar bear adaptations, we also used the internet to find facts about king Arthur’s Seat.  We used the Padlet to type up and discuss our Reciprocal Reading tasks.

For HWB, we discussed  gender stereotypes and for Art we had a guided drawing lesson on how to draw a realistic polar bear

What have P6 been up to this week?

Skin Surprise

Jaxson bought in the skin from his pet snake. The snake had out grown it and shedded it. You could even make out where the eyes had been!

Jaxson – I liked bringing my snake skin in.


Dance – Hip Hop

We watched a video in the hall and copied the moves. Some of us really excelled at this. Afterwards we had time to choreograph our own Hip Hop dance routine in groups and we could perform this to the whole class if we were brave enough!


We had a judo taster session – it was great fun! We played some fabulous warm up games and then learnt how to throw people. Finally, we practised pinning people on the mat!

G- The warm up games were fun!

Hope – I liked throwing people to the ground.

Kyle – When I was pinning other people to the ground no-one could get up!

Leo – I liked getting thrown!

Bella – When I was pinning Bailey he escaped! I liked throwing people across the mat.

Cameron – Piotr was good at pinning people.


We applied what we had learnt about vertebrates in a fun game of 4 in a row. Then we carried on researching life-cycles of various creatures.


We continued our information reports about natural disasters.


In group reading we read a section of our books and then practised asking open-ended questions about what we had read.


We practised using mental and formal methods when multiplying decimals.

We also practised dividing with and without remainders.

E – I liked learning about division.


During our visit from Mark, from Headspace, we talked about change. Mrs Stewart sat in as well!

Joel – We had to sit in different seats, wear some clothes inside out – including our shoes. This was in order to experiment with our ‘normal.’




This week in Primary 5

This week in P5 we have continued our digital learning. Our learning intentions this week were to write a code and to use a variable. For to be successful in this we had to write a block code which included a variable, a random and a click event. We then had to post a link to our Teams page once we had achieved this.


In Spelling we had the choice of which written spelling task we wanted to do today. Here are some photos of our finished tasks:

We continue practising our fluency and phrasing when we read in our groups. It is important that we all work harder on using expression consistently.

In Writing this week, we used our notes from last week to create Information Reports on a chosen animal. We had to ensure we had sub-headings this week as well as write in the present tense.

In Numeracy we returned to our Money topic this week. We looked at rounding amounts of money and in the other we looked at change from £1 and £2. We also did some interactive games where we had to add amounts of money. We were doing this against the clock! We discussed using our knowledge of friendly numbers to help with this.

In topic we completed an end of topic assessment for our Space topic and began some research for our Dinosaurs topic!

As of next week we are going to start having all our information and learning on Twitter instead of the Blog! Please follow: @MrsHillanP5

This Week in P3


In writing this week, we continued to develop our skills for information report writing. This week, we were writing a report about a wild animal. We used the laptops and non-fiction books to research information about wild animals. Then we used our plans to write an final information report.

In reading this week, we were given a passage about a dragon. We had to read through the passage and underline all the descriptions. Then, we had to draw a picture of the dragon using the information we had underlined.


In maths this week, we were learning about bar graphs. We conducted our own survey in P3. We had to use the tally marks to record the information for the bar graph and then had to answer questions about the data.

Health and well-being

In P.E. this week, we were learning about football. We were developing our dribbling skills. We had to keep the ball close to our feet to maintain control when moving around the space.

P4 Class May 6, 2022

I really liked block coding because I am getting better at it. SLW

I learnt to make notes and learnt interesting facts about polar bears.  I now know that they have transparent fur.  LJS

I know how to use meter stick to measure perimeter in shapes. SA

In Health and Well- being, I learnt the parts of the male and female organs.  SLW

In numeracy, we calculated the total and change from £20.  We also used multiplication and division strategies to work out money problems.




P6 Participation Friday

Today (Friday) we went out to deposit our painted rocks around Deans in order to make the local community smile.

We hid them in lots of different places!

Hope – It was soaking but I enjoyed it!

We went into the Post Office to deposit the money we raised for Ukraine when we did the quiet day in school but the lady behind the counter didn’t know what to do with the money so we brought it back to school and Tom, the janitor, is going to take it back another day.

Emily – It would have been more fun if it wasn’t raining but the concept was fun!

Bella – I enjoyed it-I like walking in the rain!


What Have P6 Been Up To During This Short Week?


We practised using informal and formal methods to multiply 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit. In addition we continued to practise recalling our table facts as quickly as possible. We do this in various ways including singing and dance with this link : https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/times-table-collection/z4vv6v4


We combined our new topic (Natural Disasters) with literacy. We researched various disasters using the internet and non-fiction books and made notes with a partner. Then we created an information report based on our findings and included pictures too.


This week we practised our badminton skills.



This week we continued thinking about loss. We had various situations such as moving house, falling out with a friend or a pet dying and we had to order them according to which would be the most difficult to deal with. Then we wrote down words to describe how we might feel if we were going through these scenarios. Finally, we talked about the different stages people go through before acceptance of these situations.


This week we designed and wrote an app that had a loop and a variable.


A Short Week in P5

This is just a short week for us this week with us having the Monday holiday and Thursday is an Inservice day for staff.

In Writing this week we worked on our note taking skills to create notes for our next Information report. This week we chose the theme of Animals. Mrs Hillan showed an example someone had written about a Shark and then together we took notes on Mrs Hillan’s choice of a Lion. We then went off on our own to individually take notes on a chosen animal, ready to write about this next week. We had the opportunity to use a laptop if we needed to.

In Numeracy we did our final data and data analysis work. Next week we will go back to looking at money.

In Reading, we continued our class novel. We revisited our reciprocal reading strategy of Questioning and created some open and closed questions for characters in the story.

In topic, we did our final Space presentations about the final planets in our solar system. Our class Space Encyclopedia is going to look amazing!!!

We also introduced our new topic of Dinosaurs!!!! We are excited to learn more about this!

We look forward to working on some new things next week!

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